Goal 1: Effective Communication
Graduates from the Rankin College of Business can communicate effectively.
- Our students can effectively present their ideas in written form.
- Our students can effectively present their ideas in oral form.
Goal 2: Personal and Social Responsibility
Graduates from the RCB are prepared to be personally and socially responsible citizens with the ability to understand their own and other cultures and societies and the ability to make informed and ethical decisions.
- Our students can identify and analyze cultural diversity in the global business environment.
- Our students can evaluate the ethical and legal aspects of a business decision.
- Our students can contribute as productive members of a team.
Goal 3: Critical Thinking
Graduates from the RCB can think critically, solve problems, and make informed decisions.
- Our students can use appropriate analytical tools.
- Our students can identify core issues and evaluate alternatives in a complex business situation.
Goal 4: Information Literacy
Graduates from the RCB can use technology effectively; they have the ability to determine the nature of required information, to access it effectively and efficiently, and to evaluate it critically.
- Our students can effectively use appropriate technology.
- Our students can identify and synthesize the needed information.
Goal 5: Content-Specific Knowledge
Graduates from the RCB demonstrate content-specific knowledge in business.