Intern Evaluation Intern Name* First Last Appearance*12345General grooming and neatnessAppropriatenessPlease rank - 1 as lowest score, 5 as highestAppearance Comments:Personal Characteristics*12345AmbitionResourcefulnessInterest in JobHonestyEnthusiasmAbility to LearnAdaptabilityAccuracyEnergeticPlease rank - 1 as lowest score, 5 as highestPersonal Characteristics Comments:Social Characteristics*12345CourtesyCooperationReliabilityAcceptance of Constructive CriticismAbility to Follow DirectionsPlease rank - 1 as lowest score, 5 as highestSocial Characteristics Comments:Other*12345AttendancePromptnessResponsibilityPlease rank - 1 as lowest score, 5 as highestComments:Overall Job Evaluation:*Evaluator Name:* First Last Evaluator Positon/Title: Company/Institution Name:* Typing your name above constitutes a valid electronic signature. By clicking submit below, you verify the accuracy of the information provided.* I agree CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ