To view these online journals:
Step 1. Select the journal title from the list linked below.
Step 2. You will be taken to a list of databases indicating the years available. Select the database link for the years you would like to view:
Step 3. You will be taken to the actual database in which you a link to view articles by year.
Note: Some databases require you to select a specific volume, issue, or year:
Step 4: Begin accessing articles by selecting PDF or full text links.
Note: Database interfaces vary in appearance and have various formats for accessing the articles, for example:
Attachment & Human Development
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Infant Behavior and Development
Individual Differences Research
Journal of Research in Personality
Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research
Looking for more psychology journals available full text online? We have access to thousands of journals in psychology and psychology-related subject areas.
- Try searching for the journal title using our A to Z Full Text Finder. This tool searches across all of Magale’s databases for journals to which the library has full text access.
- We have many journals in print format available within our library. If you would like to search for a print journal, search the Magale Library Catalog using the Periodical Title search box. If you are an online or distance student, you may request articles using our Online and Distance Student Resources and Services.
- Note: Most journals restrict access to the issues and individual articles. If the library’s databases do not have the journal article you are interested in viewing, you may request the article through our Interlibrary Loans.
- Most journals are indexed (allow users to search articles by topic and provide citations) within EBSCOHost; simply leave the full text search limiter unchecked.