Magale Library recognizes outstanding SAU scholars in the Scholars Showcase. Students are nominated by their SAU faculty members and featured in the library with posters highlighting their accomplishments.
Here are some of our SAU Scholars:
Tia R. Logan
Depression Among College Students: Is College Performance Affected?
Arien E. Faucett
The United States Center for Coaching Excellence
North American Coach Development
Summit Spokane, WA June 2022
Library Media Specialist Students
Degree: Major – Master of Education in Library Media and Information
Field Experience: Library Makeover Projects
Faculty Mentors: Vanda McLelland
Students in the Library Media and Information Specialist graduate program’s Collection Management and Development course spend one week on campus during the summer of even-numbered years. During that week, they participate in hands-on activities, including book repair and sample makerspaces such as Breakout EDU. A Library Makeover Project is conducted at an area school library where students implement collection weeding, book repair, library shelf management, and library management system experiences. Sixty-six students were enrolled in three sections of the course. This summer’s makeover projects included Hampton Elementary School, Magnolia Central Elementary and Magnolia Middle Schools, and Gary Cobb Middle School at Genoa. Library makeover projects are most often conducted at schools in which program alumni or current students are employed.
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Major/Minor: Engineering/Computer Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Puskar Chapagain
Title of Research: Preparation of ZnO for Photovoltaic Applications
This research aims to explore the potential of ZnO nanopowder synthesized using a sol-gel approach for photovoltaic applications. We will examine the structural properties of the samples using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while their optical properties will be analyzed through UV-Vis and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Additionally, the ZnO thin films will be deposited on silicon to study the rectifying current-voltage characteristics.
(This project is supported by the Arkansas Space Grant Consortium-STEM award.)
Source: Chapagain/Rodriguez
Noah Bretz
Major: Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hayder Zghair
Project Title: Machine Variables Optimization for Sustainability Manufacturing
Participated in a competition sponsored by Siemens and hosted by the University of the District of Columbia at the 9th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) conference in Washington, D.C.
Awarded 2nd Place
This research explored the field of integration of sustainability principles into manufacturing operations to assess the carbon dioxide (CO2) result.
Bretz stated, “this study impacted me personally in numerous ways. It showed me that carbon dioxide emissions can be created in inconspicuous places. Even simple processes such as creating a bolt on a lathe machine can produce small amounts of emissions that can quickly add up when done on an industrial scale.” Bretz also noted that his research highlighted a need to consider sustainability and emissions in all designs and solutions that he creates in the future. Bretz plans to begin a master’s degree in mechanical engineering this coming fall. He shared, “The experience I gained from conducting this research will benefit me greatly as I enter a research-oriented graduate program.”
Source: SAU engineering students win awards at prestigious engineering conference:
Zachary Rennard
Major: Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Hayder Zghair
Project Title: Power Consumption Optimization for Sustainable Subtractive Manufacturing Operation
Participated in a competition sponsored by Siemens and hosted by the University of the District of Columbia at the 9th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) conference in Washington, D. C.
- Award first in the Siemens competition of Undergraduate Student Papers
- Received Outstanding Student Award
This research tackled the field of continuously optimizing the manufacturing operation’s power consumption to minimize environmental impact and avoid excess costs. Rennard developed an experimental model that promises significant advancements in saving operational power consumption in the material-cutting process. The model uses Minitab visual algorithms for analysis and optimization.
Rennard shared, “this study opened my eyes to how even small details can make a big difference over time. Understanding how power consumption efficiency can be altered and improved is key to creating a more sustainable work environment.” In appreciation, Rennard added, “I would like to first thank Dr. Zghair for providing his professional hand in my work and overall data collection. I would also like to thank Jeff Sumner for the use of his lathe machine. Finally, I thank the engineering department at SAU for providing the funds and the materials needed to complete this study.”
Source: SAU engineering students win awards at prestigious engineering conference: