On behalf of the SAU students, faculty, and staff, I thank you for giving to the Magale Library Friends during the school year. Your support helped the library provide furnishings for library study spaces and much-needed library staff training to serve our SAU community better. We invite you to visit the library and see all the improvements made since your last visit.
With sincere thanks,
Dr. Del Duke,
2023 – 2024 |
TOUCHSTONE LIFETIME Kathryn Bancroft Sharon and Dr. Rudy Eichenberger Archie Monroe
DICKINSON SOCIETY Dr. Elizabeth Davis Dr. Del Duke Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dutton Dr. James Willis and Mrs. Tandy Cobb The Rankin Foundation, Inc.
POE SOCIETY Mrs. Jeanne Franks Mr. Steve Kincaid, III
Dr. Jennifer Logan and Mr. Brian Logan Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mayfield Dr. James T. McCollum and Rev. Betty Grace McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Clint Norment Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pearson
FROST SOCIETY Ms. Minnie Beasley Dr. Kim Bloss and Mr. Phillip Abernathy Dr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson, III Mrs. Melba Keith Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mathis Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ullery Mrs. Vonceil Neal Mr. Clay Newton Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nipper Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Rasberry Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slean Ms. Nancy Stone Dr. Kristi Tornquist |
Mr. David Ainsworth Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Paul Babbitt Mrs. Tanya Dean Ms. Sarah Fricks Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kindle Mrs. Carol Lachut Mr. and Mrs. Joey Lewis Dr. Amber Overholser Ms. Margo Pierson Mrs. Nicole Szadziewicz |
Past Members List
2022-2023 Members |
Thank you! Thank you to all our Magale Library Friends who have joined or renewed your membership. We look forward to another successful year! Have not renewed yet? You may do so by mailing your donation to: SAU Foundation c/o Magale Library Friends 100 E. University, MSC 9174 Magnolia, AR 71753 You may also renew online at www.saufoundation.org by clicking on the “Make A Gift” button. Please note on your donation that it is for “Magale Library Friends.” |