Web Request Form "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* Please classify your request.* Update or add pages/forms to an existing site Create a new site Mass Email or ad campaign Training or technical support Is this request urgent and need to be completed as soon as possible?* Yes No When would like to have this request completed? MM slash DD slash YYYY (optional) If you do not have a strict timeline, feel free to leave this blank.Please enter the web address(es) of the page(s) you would like modified (if there are multiple addresses please use the plus symbol on the right to create a new box for each address):* Add RemovePlease describe in detail the changes you would like to have completed:*Content Upload Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, ppt, pptx, mov, mp4, mp3, , Max. file size: 29 MB. Use the field above to attach files, such as images or documents. New Site ContentWhich department will the site be created for?* Please briefly describe the purpose and function of the site:*Content Tips Our goal is for all pages on the SAU website to offer concise, unique content that is written for a specific audience. As the expert on your own department, we require that you author all web content in full and assist with any future changes. New websites should first begin with an outline of all pages followed by full text for each page. Content should be unique and not duplicated elsewhere on the site. A long list of links, particularly to external resources, is not valuable content. Web users do not read, they scan. As such, all text should be brief and broken into sections with headings and lists when possible. Please include descriptions and instructions for interactive content, such as web forms, buttons, as well as videos or image galleries. The main SAU website is reserved for pages for official SAU departments. Sites for student groups, individual faculty/staff, or other miscellany can be created at sites.saumag.edu. Type Content HereYou may cut and paste into the field above, however, if your content contains formatting that you would like to retain, please include the content through an attached document below. Upload Additional Content Here Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, gif, png, xml, xlsx, Max. file size: 29 MB. Will you need administrative access to make content changes yourself?* Yes No Marketing CampaignAre you requesting an email, ad campaign, or both?* Email Ad Both Please describe the goal of the campaign and who is the intended audience.*If you have email or ad text and do not wish to include it as a separate document, please include the text here. How much, if any, funds would you like to contribute to the campaign? SAU has a small budget set aside for minor promotions, but if you are hoping to spend more than $20 or so, we will need supplemental funds to cover the expense of the campaign.Account Number Please provide your departmental account number for the ad campaign. Your account will automatically be billed the month following the ad's completion. Campaign Content and Files Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 29 MB. Please provide any additional images, logos, email lists, or content that will be necessary or help in the creation of this campaign. Training / SupportPlease describe how we can assist you.We are available to record screen tutorials, live video conferencing and training, technical support with the web platform, etc. Δ