Name Badge Request Contact InfoAre you requesting your own badge, or are you requesting on behalf of someone else? My own Someone else Your Name* First Last Your Email* Employee's Name* First Last Employee's Email* Employee is a* Full-Time Faculty Member Full-Time Staff Member Adjunct Faculty Member Graduate Assistant Student Worker Employee's Supervisor* This name badge is for a new employee* Yes No Will you be needing more than one copy of this badge?* Yes No Quantity* Two Three Four Account Number* Name Badge OptionsPlate Color Option*Please specify which color badge you prefer. (Blue/White is typically used for Student Workers.) Black/Gold plate with Mulerider logo Blue/White plate with Mulerider logo Preferred Name (Line 1)* First and last only (no middle initials). Please include title if you have a doctorate and any other certifications shown after your name. Sample: Dr. Todd Baker, CFP, CPA (certifications listed without periods)Position Title (Line 2) Only needed if you are a president, vice president, dean, director, chair, or head coach. Other titles are not printed due to limited space unless necessary for your job.Department (Line 3) Samples: Biology, Graduate Studies, Communications Center. Wording longer than twenty characters will not print as well due to space constraints.HiddenPreferred Badge Icon* SAU Shield SAU Mulerider The Mulerider logo is used mostly for Athletics and Student Activities. Please get supervisor approval when selecting this option.HiddenEmail* HiddenLine 1* Text will be centered with a maximum of 21 characters. Please enter preferred name here if the badge is for a specific individual. HiddenLine 2 Text will be centered with a maximum of 21 charactersHiddenLine 3 Text will be centered with a maximum of 21 characters. Also, please note that Southern Arkansas University is added to the bottom of every badge and does not need to be included in your request.HiddenOptional File Upload Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 29 MB. Additional CommentsHiddenName of individual submitting the request* First Last Δ