Role of Title IX Leadership Team
- Ensure compliance with federal law, rules, recommendations, and advisements
- Recommend new policy and methods for implementing policy
- Provide leadership and direction for all Title IX activities, and related strategic efforts for prevention of sex and gender-based discrimination.
- In case of sexual harassment, assault, violence, and stalking (leading to sex- and gender-based discrimination), members of the team:
- Advocate
- Investigate
- Determine if conditions exist(ed) and make discipline and related recommendations
Title IX Coordinator
- Dr. Lynze Greathouse
Assistant Professor of Education / MAT Faculty
Title IX Co-Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator is the designated university official with primary responsibility for coordinating the university’s compliance with Title IX. This includes providing leadership for Title IX activities; providing consultation, education and training; and helping to ensure the university responds appropriately, effectively and equitably to Title IX issues.
Team Members
- Jamie Boyd
Assistant Professor of Education / Program Coordinator, Instructional Facilitator/Lead Teacher M.Ed.
- Dr. Alice Fanning
- Sage Fowler
Assistant Director of Athletics for Internal Operations/Senior Woman Administrator
- Cindy Grimes
- Dr. Roger Guevara
ERZ Director / Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
- Dr. Jennifer Logan
- Dr. Krista Nelson
Chair, Behavioral and Social Sciences/Associate Professor of Psychology
- Kayla Rasberry
- Anne Sands
- Brad Stout
- Catiya Welch
- Shelly Whaley
Associate Dean/Executive Director of Communications and Marketing
- Tracy Woolfley