Dr. Margaret R. Downing Collection List PDF
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- 1. Trophy – Softball – O.C. Women’s Invitational ’71 Most Valuable Player
- 2. Trophy – Tennis – 2nd Doubles U. of M. 1970
- 3. Trophy – Softball – Champions Texas ASA State Tourn. 1972
- 4. Trophy – Softball – Champions Texas ASA State Tourn. 1972 (Duplicate)
- 5. Trophy – Softball – Champions Texas ASA State Tourn. 1972 (Triplicate)
- 6. 3 Trophies – Softball – Champions Texas ASA State Tourn. 1972
- 7. Southern Arkansas University Overstreet Statue
- 8. Trophy – Softball – Womans Fast Pitch State T.A.A.F. 19 Leading Pitcher 71
- 9. Commemorative Basketball signed by Dr. Downing’s players over the years – Side 1
- 10. Commemorative Basketball signed by Dr. Downing’s players over the years – Side 2
- 11. Commemorative Basketball signed by Dr. Downing’s players over the years – Side 3
- 12. Commemorative Basketball signed by Dr. Downing’s players over the years – Side 4
- 13. Commemorative Basketball signed by Dr. Downing’s players over the years – Side 5
- 14. Commemorative Softball – Dr. Margaret Downing Softball Complex Dedication October 20, 2018
- 15. Commemorative Softball – Dr. Margaret Downing Softball Complex Dedication October 20, 2018 – Side 2
- 16. Official Texas A.S.A. Softball
- 17. Watson Chapel High School Diploma and Envelope
- 18. 1949 Watson Chapel High School Diploma Inside
- 19. 1949 Watson Chapel High School Diploma “Prophecy” Enlargement
- 20. Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas Diploma and Envelope
- 21. 1953 Arkansas State Teachers College Diploma Inside
- 22. Arkansas State Teachers College Commencement Program and The Road (Alma Mater)
- 23. Arkansas State Teachers College Commencement Program Candidates for Degrees and The Road (Alma Mater)
- 24. Texas Woman’s University Diploma and Envelope
- 25. 1973 Texas Woman’s University Diploma Inside
- 26. Texas Woman’s University Commencement Programs, May 19, 1973
- 27. Texas Woman’s University Commencement Programs Inside
- 28. Commemorative Bat – Girls 1964 World’s Softball Championship, Orlando, Florida
- 29. 1968 United States Olympic Book, Page 320-321
- 30. 1968 United States Olympic Book Cover
- 31. 1972 United States Olympic Book, Page 284-285
- 32. 1972 United States Olympic Book Cover
- 33. United States Olympic Committee, Constitution, By-Laws and General Rules
- 34. Official Program 5th Pan-American Games, July 22 – August 7, 1967 Winnipeg Canada
- 35. Official Program 5th Pan-American Games Line Ups and Women’s Basketball Schedule
- 36. Women’s Recreation Association 1952 – 53
- 37. Women’s Recreation Association, Inside Page
- 38. Women’s Recreation Association, Inside Page, Intramural Activities
- 39. Quadrennial Review, Period of 1961 – 1965, United States Olympic Committee
- 40. Quadrennial Review, Page 8 – 9, Women’s Basketball Team Roster
- 41. Press Guide, United States of America Team, for the VI Pan-American Games, Cali, Columbia
- 42. Press Guide, Page A-10 – A-11, Women’s Basketball Lineup
- 43. Olympic Pictorial, 1967 United States Pan-American Team Handbook
- 44. United States Olympic Committee Basketball Scouting Scoring Book
- 45. United States Olympic Committee, Directory Quadrennial Period 1969 – 1973
- 46. United States Olympic Committee, Directory Quadrennial Period, Page 10 – 11
- 47. Quadrennial Review Period of 1961 – 1965, United States Olympic Committee
- 48. Quadrennial Review of Activities, For the Period 1965 – 1969, Unites States Olympic Committee
- 49. Quadrennial Review of Activities, For the Period 1965 – 1969, Page 254 – 255
- 50. Second Rejoinder for the Basic Physical Education Program at SAU Sept 15, 1998
- 51. Plaque, SAU Honor Professor 1987 – 1988
- 52. Framed “Aerobearics” Cross Stitch, CF 88
- 53. Framed Award on the Completion of a Successful Coaching tenure and the Downing Endowed Athletic Fund Established in her honor by Riderettes and Friends, June 9, 1984
- 54. Plaque, Memorial Baptist Church, 2012
- 55. Thank you note from Margaret to Memorial Baptist Church in Waldo. This is in appreciation for the plaque they presented her for being inducted to Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame
- 56. Plaque, Outstanding Service as Dean of the School of Education 94 – 95
- 57. Plaque, Chair Department of Kinesiology (HKR), July 1, 1991 – July 1, 1997
- 58. Plaque, Distinguished Leadership Award, July 16, 1999
- 59. Framed Certificate, Phi Epsilon Omega, Feb., 13,1989
- 60. Plaque, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Coach of the Year, 1984
- 61. Dr. Downing, Rosaline Landes, and Beverly Townsend Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Coach of the Year, 1984
- 62. Framed Picture, Dr. Margaret Downing Softball Complex Dedication, October 20, 2018
- 63. Dr. Margaret Downing Softball Complex Dedication Postcard
- 64. Dr. Margaret Downing Softball Complex Dedication Postcard (Side B)
- 65. Plaque, Southern Arkansas University Sports Hall of Fame Inductee 2003
- 66. Southern Arkansas University Sports Hall of Fame Inductee 2003 Letter & Program
- 67. Dr. Downing receiving Southern Arkansas University Sports Hall of Fame Inductee 2003 Plaque from Dr. Rankin
- 68. Framed News Article, “A Fighter for Progress” Arkansas Democrat Gazette Jan. 27, 2012
- 69. Plaque, March 21, 1981, Thank you from Tigerettes 1962 – 1965, Riderettes 1965 – 1981
- 70. Clock Plaque, Appreciation for Unrelenting Service to Women’s Athletics
- 71. USA Olympic Uniform, Close up
- 72. USA Olympic Uniform – Women’s Athletics, 1962 – 1972
- 73. Southern State College, Royal Blue Letterman jacket with gold “S”, 1970’s
- 74. Southern State College, Royal Blue Letterman jacket and SSC, Arkansas AAU Champs, ARK SW Dist. Champs Patch
- 75. Southern State College, Gold/Yellow Letterman Jacket and “S” coach patch, 1970’s
- 76. Southern State College, Gold/Yellow Letterman Jacket and “S” coach patch close up
- 77. College Regalia, Doctoral Degree, Texas Woman’s University
- 78. College Regalia, Close up of ’73 Tassel, Doctoral Degree, Texas Woman’s University
- 79. College Regalia, Close up, Doctoral Degree, Texas Woman’s University
- 80. Framed Certificate, National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Hall of Fame, March 1987
- 81. Photograph National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Hall of Fame, March 1987 recipients
- 82. Photograph National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Hall of Fame, March 1987 during speech
- 83. Photograph National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Hall of Fame, March 1987 recipients table
- 84. Photograph National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Hall of Fame, March 1987 Dr. Downing accepting award
- 85. SAU, AWISA, AIC Cross-stitch – by Dr. Betty Swift of Conway, AR, presented Sept. 8, 1984 @ UCA
- 85 A. Letter written about Dr. Betty Swift, Creator of cross stitch (85)
- 86. Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame, Class of 2012
- 87. Program for Induction Presentation into the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame in 2012. The program was autographed on the front by Ray Tucker.
- 88. Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame Caricatures
- 89. Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame pages 42-44, all the inductees autographed their caricatures
- 90. SAWN Lifetime Achievement Award, October 7, 1999
- 91. University of Tennessee, Master of Science Diploma
- 92. Dr. Downing’s softball bat from her youth, kept over her lifetime
- 93. Pan American Games Cali Columbia patches and pin
- 94. Olympic Memorabilia Patches and Pin
- 95. Plaque, ASA 1963, 2nd Place, S. A. REC. DIV.
- 96. Plaque, PAN AMERICN GAMES, Winnipeg Canada, 1967
- 97. Trophy Plates
- 98. Desk Name Plate
- 99. Novelty License Plate, Texas, Marty
- 100. Riderette Women’s Sports, Southern State College, Magnolia, ARK, 1975 – 76
- 101. Riderette Women’s Sports, Inside, 1975 Basketball Champs, 1975 Volleyball Champs
- 102. Riderette Basketball Scorecard Cover
- 103. Riderette Basketball Scorecard
- 104. Poem
- 105. Riderette play sheet
- 106. Watson Chapel High School 1949, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Inside cover (outside cover missing)
- 107. Watson Chapel High School 1949, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Inside
- 108. Watson Chapel High School 1949, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Senior page
- 109. SSC Riderettes article from The Southern Stater, 1971 – 72
- 110. Mulerider shared photo – announcement of newly named Dr. Margaret Downing Female Athlete of the Year Award to Rose Bryant, 2015-16
- 111. Two different Riderette Spirit Creeds- Author Unknown
- 112. Phi Delta Kappa Certificate dated September 14. 1982
- 113. State of Arkansas Certificate of Recognition dated March 21, 1981 signed by Frank White. Received this at a Tribute in her honor held in Little Rock on March 21, 1981.
- 114. Arkansas Traveler Certificate dated August 23, 1960 signed by Orval Faubus
- 115. Sunbeam Bakerettes – Arkansas State Softball Champions 1952. Made semi-finals in the Southwestern tournament. Received Sportmanship Award in Southwestern tournament. Margaret played 3rd base. Was All-State and All-Southwestern. Info taken from back of photo written by Margaret at the time.
- 116. Meyers Bakery Team – season of 1946-won city and district championship. Picture taken after winning district from Monticello. Margaret played First Base.
- 117. Picture of 1949 graduating senior class Watson Chapel High School
- 118. Softball team picture
- 119. Memphis Southern Regional
- 120. Memphis Southern Regional Information on back of picture
- 121. Al-ettes. Women’s Softball Tourney, Houston, Texas 1958. Trophies are Outstanding Managers, All-Star Shortstop, and Leading Hitter and All-Star
- 122. Al-ettes. Women’s Softball Tourney, Houston, Texas 1958. Information on back of picture
- 123. Winnipeg Canada, 67 USA Olympic Team picture
- 124. Women’s Basketball Team picture
- 125. United States Olympic Women’s Basketball Team Photo
- 126. Photograph of swim team
- 127. The Arkansas State Teachers College 1951-1952 “Tutorettes” season, Coach “Marty” Downing
- 128. The Arkansas State Teachers College 1951-1952 “Tutorettes” season, Coach “Marty” Downing, back of picture- named listed have social club or sorority Greek letters with name.
- 129. Retirement Reception, Dr. Downing, Dr. Ginger Hurst in the middle, and Dr. Kathryn Brown.
- 130. Margaret Downing Al-ettes softball team
Click here to view Dr. Downing’s painting collection.