Faculty & Staff Dr. Pierre Boumtje Dr. Pierre Boumtje Professor of Agriculture Economics pierreboumtje@saumag.edu 870-235-5220 Dr. Copie Moore Dr. Copie Moore Associate Professor of Agriculture Science cdmoore@saumag.edu 870-235-4343 Amy Bradshaw Amy Bradshaw Assistant Professor of Agriculture acbradshaw@saumag.edu 870-235-4344 Mia Cheatham Mia Cheatham Instructor of Agriculture mgcheatham@saumag.edu 870-235-4346 Dr. Oscar Tejeda Dr. Oscar Tejeda Assistant Professor of Poultry Science ojtejedamart@saumag.edu 870-235-4350 Dr. Josh Walker Dr. Josh Walker Assistant Professor of Animal Science djwalker@saumag.edu 870-235-5410 Sherman Glass Sherman Glass Instructor of Agricultural Education srglass@saumag.edu 870-235-4341 Remington Hilburn Remington Hilburn Agriculture Technician RTHilburn@saumag.edu 870-235-4349