The Order of Protection can…
- make your batterer move out if you are living together.
- exclude your batterer from your residence, place of employment, and other places you may be present.
- state who will have temporary custody of children involved, as well as set up visitation arrangements.
- tell your batterer to pay monetary support for your children.
You can obtain an Order of Protection…
- without filing for divorce.
- even if you are not married to your batterer.
- on your own without hiring a lawyer.
With an Order of Protection, the police can arrest your batterer without a warrant if he/she violates the order.
People Eligible for Orders of Protection
If you are being beaten or threatened by your spouse, former spouse, someone you have a child with, someone you live with or formerly lived with, someone you are dating or have dated, or other family member (not in-laws), you can file for an Order of Protection.
The initial paperwork for getting an Order of Protection can be lengthy; please take this into consideration when filing for one.
The Victim Assistance Coordinator for Columbia County is Darla Longino. If you would like to contact her or discuss Orders of Protection, please call (870) 235-3770 or go by her office, 135 S. Jackson, which is the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, in Magnolia, Arkansas.