The Student Government Association represents the student body at Southern Arkansas University with its members acting as liaisons to the four colleges and the university administration. The Executive Board is composed of a president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, and chief justice.
Senators are selected by quorum with three senators from each college, two senators with undeclared majors, and two freshman senators. Associate justices are appointed by the chief justice with the approval of the president.
In addition to presenting concerns and recommendations from the student body to the colleges and administration, SGA is actively involved in the coordination of homecoming activities and community service. The justices serve to resolve parking appeals and supervise student government elections.
Elections are held in the spring to select executive board members for the following school year, and freshmen senators are elected the following fall.
SGA meets each Thursday at 6 p.m. in Reynolds 210. Meetings are open to the student body. Parking ticket appeals may be brought to the Office of Student Life in Reynolds 101 for review by the justices. View the SGA Constitution and By-Laws.
The 2024-2025 Student Government Association Executive Board is excited to serve the SAU student body for this academic year.
- SGA President- Trinity Foster
- Vice President- Bailey Cole
- Chief Justice- Gunner Bellinger