Staff Senate Meeting October 8, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Keli Honza, Mary Hubbard, Sarah Jennings, Pat King, Essie Moore, Eric Plummer, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, and Shelly… Read More
September 2008 Minutes
Staff Senate Meeting September 10, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Gaye Calhoun, Brenda Garrett, Keli Honza, Mary Hubbard, Sarah Jennings, Pat King, Essie Moore, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Shelly Whaley and Donald Wray. Cynthia Blake attended as proxy… Read More
July 2008 Minutes
Staff Senate Meeting July 9, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Charles Honza, Sarah Jennings, Pat King, Essie Moore (via phone), Eric Plummer, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, Donald Wray, and Shelly Whaley. Visitors… Read More
June 2008 Minutes
Staff Senate Meeting June 11, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in the Overstreet Boardroom. Senators in attendance were Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Brenda Garrett, Roger Guevara, Charles Honza, Mary Hubbard, Sarah Jennings, Pat King, Essie Moore, Eric Plummer, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, Donald… Read More
May 2008 Minutes
Staff Senate Meeting May 14, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, Brenda Garrett, Roger Guevara, Charles Honza, Mary Hubbard, Pat King, Essie Moore, Eric Plummer, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, Donald Wray, and Shelley Whaley. Visitors were Wilma… Read More
April 2008 Minutes
Staff Senate Meeting April 9, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, Wayne Garner, Brenda Garrett, Roger Guevara, Charles Honza, Keli Honza, Mary Hubbard, Pat King, Essie Moore, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Donald Wray, Shelly Whaley,… Read More
March 2008 Minutes
Proposed Resolution Minutes 2/21/08 Staff Senate Meeting March 12, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 207. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Keli Honza, Pat King, Essie Moore, Kellye Ogle, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Donald Wray, Shelley Whaley,… Read More
Meeting Minutes
Proposed Resolution Minutes 2/21/08 Staff Senate Meeting March 12, 2008 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 207. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Keli Honza, Pat King, Essie Moore, Kellye Ogle, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Donald Wray, Shelley Whaley,… Read More
November 2007 Minutes
Staff Senate Meeting November 14, 2007 The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Gaye Calhoun, Wayne Garner (serving also as proxy for Melody Mayo), Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Mary Hubbard, Pat King, Kellye Ogle, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Donald Wray, Shelley… Read More
October 2007 Minutes
Staff Senate Meeting October 10, 2007 The Staff Senate met on Tuesday, October 10, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Gaye Calhoun, Brenda Garrett, Andrew Guy (proxy for Dr. Roger Guevara), Charles Honza, Mary Hubbard, Pat King, Melody Mayo, Essie Moore, Kellye Ogle, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Donald… Read More