The SAU STEM Center for K-12 Education is housed in the College of Science and Engineering at Southern Arkansas University. The STEM acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The mission and objective of the SAU STEM Center is to provide assistance for K-12 STEM teachers in our region with assistance in their classrooms, in their districts, and to provide professional development workshops in our Center.
The College of Science and Engineering (CSE) takes seriously the role of research in the education of undergraduates. Students regularly benefit from direct contact with our research faculty and are empowered and encouraged to conduct their own inquiries. All undergraduates at the College are invited to participate in and present their research at the College’s annual Undergraduate Research Conference.
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for overseeing the provisions for the care and well-being of vertebrate animals used for research and educational purposes at the University. The IACUC serves the public by ensuring compliance with all legal and ethical standards regarding the use of vertebrate animals in research and educational activities at SAU.