About Mulerider Kids College
Mulerider Kids College is a summer enrichment program for children entering into 1st through 6th grades. Our goal is to provide the children in our community with exciting and stimulating learning opportunities to enhance their education without the pressure of grades, homework, or tests. Mulerider Kids College offers several unique classes that are fun, entertaining, and educational! Classes are taught by SAU faculty, staff, and local teachers that are committed to providing students with a great experience! SAU will also host Mulerider Teen College this summer.
MKC is a four-day camp where students will take three 60 minute classes of their choice, per availability. Children will be grouped according to the grade they will be entering into. Tuition will be $70 per camp and all age groups will be provided with a snack, t-shirt, and bag. Students choosing to enroll in both morning and afternoon camps will be provided lunch in the cafeteria.