Students receiving financial assistance have certain rights and responsibilities which are extremely important. Each aid recipient should read and fully understand these policies and procedures.
1. Financial aid is awarded and based on “need”, except institutional scholarships. (Academic, band, etc.)
2. Every student receiving financial aid must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid each year. The information submitted will be kept confidential.
3. Every student receiving financial aid is required to maintain satisfactory academic progress as outlined in the latest catalog and meet the requirements.
4. All aid with the exception of College Work-Study and Regular Work will be credited to the student’s account at the beginning of the enrollment period. (one-half each session)
5. College Work-Study and Regular Work recipients are paid once a month on the average. University policy requires that work-study earnings first be used to retire any indebtedness with the University.
6. All eligible aid recipients are required to be enrolled at least half-time. (6 hours)
7. The student must notify the Office of Financial Aid of any name or address change or any change in resources during their attendance or any altering of academic plans. (dropping courses, withdrawal from school, change of graduation date, etc.)
8. All aid will be awarded according to federal, state, and institutional regulations.
9. A student is not eligible to receive financial assistance if he/she has defaulted on a student loan, or owes a refund to any of the federal programs.