Present: Senators Wise, Valenzuela, Logan, Faucett, Pfannenstiel, Lowther, Djiguimde, Al-Shami, Tucker, McLelland, Filburn, Karim, Nelson, Fanning
Ex-officio and guests: Roger Giles, Sheryl Edwards, Donna Allen, Shawana Reed, Josh Kee, Robin Sronce, Jennifer Rowsam, Connie Wilson, Marisa Grippo, Amy Womack, Gerald Plumlee, Brian Logan, Vilma Espinoza
Call to order: 3:40 pm
Reading of Proxies: Nelson for Greathouse, McLelland for Samples, Faucett for Oden, Fanning for White, Lowther for Coppersmith
- Approval of Minutes
Minutes from October 19, 2023, were approved (motion – Logan, second – Samples)
- Special Orders of the Day
Update on catalog and curriculum processes
Due to issues with the traditional catalog, SAU will be transitioning to a new catalog management software called Acalog, which is accessible anywhere and offers real-time updates. The software can integrate with other systems and will allow for paperless updates. This process began in July 2023, was interrupted by the data hack, and has a target publication in the Spring semester. Marisa Grippo gave a demonstration of how the new catalog will look and work. The new catalog looks more modern, user-friendly, and interactive.
Update from Cybersecurity Task Force
The search for the cybersecurity position is ongoing, with a few candidates already interviewed.
Exit surveys for withdrawing students
The withdrawal survey is being used to perform interventions for students planning to withdraw from the university. The plan is to make the survey mandatory for students withdrawing from their courses, and feedback on approving the survey is appreciated.
Graduate Suspensions and Appeals Committee
The processes for these committees were written when there were only about 100 graduate students, so a new draft is being updated. The graduate council is looking to make processes more efficient.
Graduate Faculty Criteria
HLC requires codified requirements to teach graduate courses. This will be put together in a way that works with the processes utilized by the individual colleges.
- Reports of Committees
Report from the Ad-Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (Senator Filburn)
The AI committee has had two meetings discussing concerns, limitations, and policies for AI. Policies from other universities have been analyzed. Another meeting will be held on November 30th to discuss syllabus language and recommendations regarding AI, and how to differentiate between suggestions at the university vs department levels.
Report from the Research Committee (Senator Filburn)
The first cycles were due on November 6th, with 11 proposals and 5 undergraduate proposals. Cycle 2 will open on schedule.
Report from the Faculty Senate Handbook Committee (Senator Logan)
A final draft for a proposed change to the Educator Preparation Committee in the Faculty Senate handbook was discussed. Language was clarified along with descriptions of who serves on the committee. Senator Nelson called a motion to approve the changes and Senator Tucker seconded the motion. The moteion passed unanimously.
Report from the Faculty Senate Budget Committee (Senator Valenzuela)
The Faculty/Staff budget meeting had a good turnout and went well.
Report from the Faculty Senate Parking, Building, and Grounds Committee (Senator Nelson)
The pothole between the Blanchard and Engineering buildings was patched up.
Report from the Fringe Benefit Committee (Senator Fanning)
The committee met to discuss health insurance benefits.
- Old Business
There was no old business to report.
- New Business
The hiring of the new Chief Information Officer will not wait until after the new president is hired. TIAA reporting has changed to be more transparent. The Faculty Senate will draft a formal letter inviting Dr. Rankin to the January meeting.
- Questions for the Administration
Questions for the administration were answered by Roger Giles.
- Would it be possible for the Foundation, Faculty Research Committee and Teaching Technology Committees to publish the awards for development, travel, research and technology so that faculty are aware of range of activities that are being internally funded on campus?
- Yes, information from these committees could be uploaded to a Blackboard forum area. 49 awards worth over $69,000 were awarded for the 2023-24 year as of 11/15/23. A way to post the information will be looked into.
- What is the process for publishing the current academic undergraduate catalog to the SAU website? We are nearly complete of the fall semester and it has yet to be published.
- This was discussed earlier in the meeting.
- During the Faculty & Staff Senate Budget Forum, there was mention of 4 additional vehicles being purchased. Are these in addition to Mulerider Express and Physical Plant, and if so, whom else/which departments are provided a vehicle?
- They are in the pool for anyone to use. You can fill out the normal travel permit with rates charged to the department using the vehicle.
- Has the university considered increasing the rate of adjunct pay? When was the last time this rate was raised? If this is solely up to the budget committee, how are adjuncts being represented in those discussions?
- The minimum adjunct pay is currently $700/hr for those with master’s degrees and $800/hr for those with PhDs. The budget committee will have to discuss whether to approve a potential adjunct increase in minimum pay.
- Is there a policy regarding which emails are sent to All Faculty and which are sent to All Active Instructors? Is everyone aware there is a difference between those two lists? Additionally, can Deans and Chairs be encouraged to include adjuncts in college and departmental communication?
- There is no official policy, with decisions on which is used by whoever sends out the message. There were issues in the past about certain instructors not receiving important emails, so the “All Active Instructors” list was added. There needs to be better education about the differences between the lists. Departments are also responsible for creating their own distribution lists. Distribution lists may be looked at to see who might be missing important emails.
- Additional Comments
Adjournment at 4:45 PM. Senator Nelson gave the motion, seconded by Senator Logan.