Present: Senators Pearson, Warrick, Zia, Louden, Testa, S. Clanton, Lowther, DiPier, Lyubartseva, Moore, Schroeder, P. Clanton, Paulson, Parnell, Wilson, Shirey
Ex-officio and guests: President Berry, Provost Lanoue, Vice President Allen, and Interim Dean Bachri
Call to order at 3:42 p.m.
Proxies: Connie Wilson for Carla Bryant, Jennifer Louden for Neely Dobbins.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from October 19, 2017 were approved (motion – Testa, second – Louden).
Special Orders of the Day
Dr. Allen addressed the question regarding the alignment of pre-registration schedules and why there are so many students enrolled in courses when registration opens on the advertised first day. Dr. Allen indicted that the primary reason is that the advising center needs more time to cope with the volume of advising that needs to be done. Senator Schroeder asked if she would be agreeable to opening registration to all in those cases and she indicated that she was. Provost Lanoue agreed that it should not be a problem. Senator S. Clanton noted that some of the online courses in his department are at or nearly at capacity before registration opens. This being particularly problematic for online courses in which some students rely on access to online courses to complete their degree. This early registration takes away online access for those students. Senator S. Clanton made a motion:
The issue of finding ways to reserve online classes for online students is referred to the Online Education Committee. Parnell second. Motion passed.
Senator Schroeder made a motion:
The Faculty Senate recommends that when Advising Center advisors can register students, all academic advisors can register students. Louden second. Motion passed.
Dr. Lanoue addressed the question of investigating magnetic strip key cards as an alternative to physical keys. The administration sees no true benefit to the change with possible technical glitches. The estimate was that the change would cost over $200k for the dorms alone.
Dr. Lanoue also commented on the question regarding a waiver of the $25 fee for a second parking sticker for reserved faculty and staff parking spaces on campus. He had no real objection and recommended that it be referred to the Senate Budget Committee for a recommendation. Senator Clanton made a motion:
The Senate refers the costs of the second parking sticker waiver to the Senate Budget Committee for recommendations. Schroeder second. Motion passed.
Updates from Provost Lanoue:
- SAU is feeling the pressure of enrollment growth and needs to find ways to address it. Lecturer positions are coming to one or more departments. The administration hears the needs of the faculty with regards to teaching load.
- General education assessment has relied on volunteers in the past and has resulted in a stagnant pool of faculty repeatedly assessing the same courses. Diversity in assessment is needed. A new plan is being developed in which random selection of general education courses are to be assessed.
- The Online Education Committee met to discuss centralized control of online courses and common formatting in terms of core course components, noting that the change would be an inconvenience to some faculty (training and common templates).
Other Business
Handbook Committee is working on the changes to the academic integrity policy. They have met twice and have worked on it with the assistance of VPA Giles. They are meeting again on 11/27.
Academic Calendar Committee and have given options for a faculty/staff survey including dismissal of class for two days in October, two extra days during Thanksgiving week, both of these, and none of these. Staff Senate has agreed on the survey. Senator Shirey voiced an objection to the proposed changes and asked if the extra break would even be necessary?
Motion by Schroeder (Testa second) to adjourn at 4:30 pm. Motion carries.