Present: Senators Pearson, Warrick, Zia, Dobbins, S. Clanton, Lowther, DiPier, Moore, P. Clanton, Paulson, Parnell, Shirey, Bryant
Guests: Graduate Dean Bloss, Kathy Cole
Call to order at 3:40 p.m.
Proxies: Dobbins for Testa and Louden, Bryant for Wilson, and Parnell for Lyubartseva and Schroeder
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from February 18, 2018 were approved with the following edit:
The recommendation from the committee was accepted and was referred to the Handbook Committee (remove). The handbook committee approved the changes. The policy is ready to go to the full faculty for a vote. (motion – S. Clanton, second – Bryant).
Special Orders of the Day
Use of ALLUSERS email. An increase in ALLUSERS email has started again. An alternative to the ALLUSERS was the use of the Mulerider Bulletin, however there has been minimal use of the Bulletin.
Parking issues were discussed. There continues to be student abuse of the faculty/staff paid parking. There is a process but it frequently is not implemented in a timely manner. Dr. Allen reported the parking lots are patrolled from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm; an average of 60 tickets have been written per week this spring semester; students unable to register with a ticket/fine. Dr. Parnell suggested police patrolling be increased in the areas were this is a problem.
Fall break: Dr. Lanoue reported the idea of a fall break and Thanksgiving break needs further investigation and will not occur this fall.
Motion by Dr. Warrick made to allow Administration the ability to decide on the fall break and/or Thanksgiving break without faculty senate voting on this. 2nd by Dr. Bryant – motion passed.
Dr. Lanoue updates:
Dr. Zaidy MohdZain has resigned as Dean of the College of Education. Dr. Kim Bloss will be the acting Dean. An Interim Dean will be appointed for 2018-2019 as a search is completed.
The ADHE and SAU Board of Directors have approved a bond to complete renovations on Cross Hall and the band building.
CP Council has started work on the 2018-2019 budget. Administration has agreed to compile with the Governor’s request for no tuition increase. This means the budget will be tight. Administration reviewing a possible one-time payment for COLA. This will be dependent on summer and fall enrollment.
The Ad Hoc Retention Committee report (no update)
Handbook Committee report:
Online Education Committee update. Course template is not an issue for handbook committee. This has been approved. New policy regarding Online Course Faculty Qualification with completing Quality Matters Program was approved by the handbook committee.
Dr. Bloss and Kathy Cole presented information on the Online Course Quality Assurance Policy. The policy meets the HLC accreditation and SREB requirements for the periodical 3 year rotation review for online and hybrid courses. The online student communication policy will be sent to the handbook committee to be reviewed. Motion Dr. Warrick; 2nd Dr. Parnell.
Merit Pay Committee Update:
Guidelines from the committee have been given to Administration for consideration. There is a need to solidify the process and how to identify the person receiving the merit. Dr. Lanoue thanked the committee for the progress on the merit pay. Future talked regarding how to implement the process will continue. This will be implemented to recognize the top faculty performers.
Senate elections:
At large members: Two nominations were received for the two openings. Dr. Paulson encouraged senators to participate in their college nominations. Appointments for College elections: Dr. Warrick for Business.
Julianna Williams SGA representative presented the Title IV “Denim Day” for April 25, 2018 to recognize April’s Sexual Assault Awareness month. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to wear jeans for the National Denim Day.
Motion to adjourn at 5:00 pm (Bryant second). Motion passed.