Agriculture Building #221 9/17/2015 3:40 PM
Attendance: Dr. Shane Warrick, Dr. Louis Roy, Dr. Svetlana Paulson, Dr. Alec Testa, Dr. Neelie Dobbins, Dr. Pat Clanton, Dr. Ron Smith, Dr. Copie Moore, Dr. John Hutchens, Dr. Sheila Pearson, Dr. Sara Day, Dr. Stacy Clanton, Dr. Juping Wang, Dr. Scott White (for Dr. Abdel Bachri)
Ex-Officio: Vice President Donna Allen, Dean Kim Bloss-Abernathy, Mr. Jasper Louis, Dr. Ben Johnson, Mr. Roger Giles.
Visitors: Dr. Gerald Plumlee, Dr. Terrye Stinson, Jake Dunham, Staff Senate
Agenda Topics
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Tim Wise, Faculty Senate President.
Reading of Proxies and Substitutes – Dr. Pat Clanton held Dr. Denise Moseley’s proxy, Dr. Ron Smith held Dr. George White’s proxy, and Dr. Scott White attended for Dr. Abdel Bachri.
- Approval of Minutes
April 16, 2015 Faculty Senate Minutes- Dr. Stacy Clanton moved to approve and Dr. Scott White seconded. Motion to approve carried.
- Special Orders of the Day
Remarks- Dr. Ben Johnson, Interim VPAA represented President Berry. He reported that enrollment is at a record high this fall. SAU is the only four-year institution south of Little Rock to have an increase in enrollment rather than a decrease. However, there was a decline in sophomore enrollment. In response to a question, Dr. Johnson stated that faculty COLA raises will be addressed sometime in October. A search committee to begin a search for Provost will also begin in October.
Dr. Gerald Plumlee presented an overview of the “Mentor” project for annual summaries. The system is being piloted this year with the idea that it might provide an easier method of constructing the annual summaries each year. Dr. Alec Testa suggested that along with the pilot in Business at least one other college might want to pilot the program.
- Old Business
None brought forward.
- New Business
Dr. Terrye Stinson reported that she is heading a joint committee to revise the Mission Statement of SAU. This committee will consist of representatives from the faculty senate, the staff senate, along with a student representative and a representative from external constituents.
Faculty Senate Committee Membership- Sara Day, Faculty Senate Vice President was in charge of elections for vacancies on Faculty Senate Committees.
- Adjournment
Dr. Copie Moore moved to adjourn, and Dr. Alec Testa seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
*Senate Liaisons to Standing Committees
Submitted by Pat Clanton, Faculty Senate Secretary