4/24/2014 3:40 PM | Meeting called to order by Shannin Schroeder
In Attendance
Senators: Shannin Schroeder, Christie Hough, Sara Day, Stacy Clanton, Matt Lammers, Marek Dojs, Karen Ferneding, Svetlana Paulson, Abdel Bachri, Jennifer Logan, Pat Clanton, Neelie Dobbins, David Sanson, Scott White, Tim Daniels.
Absent with proxies: Svetlana Paulson served for Charles Keller, Christie Hough served for Shane Warrick, and David Sanson served for Copie Moore.
Ex-officio: Dr. Trey Berry, Mr. Roger Giles, Dr. Donna Allen
Visitors included: Mr. Del Duke, Dr. Brittany Schrick, Dr. Penny McGlawn, Mr. Steve Dingman.
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes by Tim Daniels, Sara Day seconded. The motion passed.
Special Orders of the Day
Reports by the Standing Committees of the Senate:
- Budget Committee – S. White reported that the committee had recently met with the administartio0n to discuss proposed fee changes including tuition, library and athletics. The discussion also included planned cost of living adjustments for the upcoming year, proposed course caps, and new positions created on campus. The report was accepted.
- Handbook Committee – S. Clanton reported that the committee had recently met and decided that there was not enough time to address the proposed advising initiatives discussed at the previous meeting by Mr. S. Dingman. R. Giles then suggested that the new members of the committee consider addressing this over during the summer so that feedback can be shared with faculty at the fall faculty meeting. S. Clanton moved that the committee follow Mr. Giles suggestion. T. Daniels seconded. The motion passed.
- Parking Committee – D. Sanson reported that the committee had not met.
Report on FAR
- S. Dingman discussed the Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) position that he fulfills and its responsibilities to the NCAA. Each college is required to have a FAR to help address problems between faculty and student athletes. This individual is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the performance of student athletes, ensuring they have access to available services and demonstrate academic integrity in their studies. He recommended that the FAR make reports to the Faculty Senate on a regular basis (annual or biannual) in an effort to improve communication across campus. He recommended the creation of a new program called the Mulerider Faculty Mentor Program as a way to bring faculty and student athletes together in the hope of improving academic performance and retention.
Old Business
Responses to Requests for Mission Reviews
- S. Schroeder had requested at the March 2014 meeting that all university and academic committees meet to review their mission as shown in the Faculty Handbook. Suggested changes are shown at the end of the minutes for review.
Recommendation regarding the AQIP Action Project for Professional Development
- Del Duke and Dr. Brittney Schrick reported on the progress of this ongoing AQIP Action Project. They reported positive AQIP reviews and increasing faculty and staff participation in the professional development seminars. The committee recommended the creation of a university committee to maintain professional development programs. T. Daniels moved to refer this recommendation to the Faculty Handbook Committee. S. Day seconded. The motion passed.
Proposal by Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Compensation
- Schroeder reported the committee’s recommendations for faculty compensation. This recommendation applies to faculty teaching independent studies, special topics and overloads. A copy of the committee’s recommendation is provided at the end of the minutes for review.
New Business
Questions for the Administration
- According to the Faculty Handbook (2.10.1 make-up Examination/Credit for Class Absences Policy), make-up credit for work “will be given” for absences excused for specified reasons, but later in the section the language says that “work missed for which make-up credit may be given includes” types of assignments that spelled out (emphasis added). Is make-up credit for work that doesn’t fall under this list of assignments at the discretion of the faculty member? Do we have a uniform policy, either by the University or the respective Colleges, regarding make-up work? Discussion ensued. Schroeder suggested that this matter be referred to the Faculty Handbook Committee. T. Daniels seconded. The motion passed.
- We hear often how our staff numbers compare to similar institutions. But this raises the question, “If more staff members were hired what is the return on investment? How would the outlay in expense be justified in revenue? How would SSCH, retention, graduation, academic progress, and student learning be improved? A related question: How does our number of faculty compare to our number of faculty at our sister institutions – and is the deficit comparable to that of our staff? R. Giles distributed IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) reports. He explained that compared to our peer institutions we have a relatively lower ratio of staff members to students. Discussion ensued. He explained that there are no current plans to create new staff positions.
Seating of New Senators from completed elections:
- Outgoing Senators: K. Ferneding, S. Clanton, P. Clanton, S. White, J. Logan
- New Senators: C. Young, G. White, A. Testa, T. Wise, D. Moseley
- Call for Nominations for Faculty Senate Officers:
- Vice President – Daniels nominated T. Wise. This was a move by acclamation.
- Secretary – T. Daniels nominated D. Moseley. This was a move by acclamation.
- Parliamentarian – T. Daniels nominated M. Dojs. This was a move by acclamation.
The motion to adjourn was made by T. Daniels and seconded by D. Sanson.
Submitted by Jennifer Logan, Faculty Senate Secretary, May 15, 2014.