The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Phyllis Austin, Kathy Cole, Kendra Copeland, Emily Jester, Edgar Johnson, Jeremy Langley, Angela McLaughlin, Brad Stout, Becki Talley, Robbye Taylor, Sandra Walker, Paula Washington-Woods, Wilma Williams, and Lillie Wright. Guests included Dr. David Rankin.
Approval of Minutes
Jeremy Langley called the meeting to order. Brad Stout made a motion to accept the April 10, 2013 minutes with a second by Paula Washington-Woods.
Old Business
Lost and Found Policy
The committee looking at the Lost and Found Policy had not met. The committee will try to get together in the summer to look at the policy. It was noted the Faculty Senate had postponed their discussion until the fall.
Committee Reports
Jeremy Langley announced the Board of Trustees had tentatively scheduled a meeting for June. Among the items to be discussed will be the 2013-2014 budget and the Concealed Carry Legislation.
New Business
Staff Senate Elections:
The Staff Senate Elections will be held in June. Nominations will be sent out at the end of May. New senators will take their seats at the June meeting.
Charitable Fund Report:
Kendra Copeland distributed the charitable fund report.
Staff Updates
A going away party was held at the Staff Senate meeting for Jeremy Langley who has accepted a new job and will be leaving in June. Dr. Rankin stopped by for the party and offered comments on what a good job Jeremy had done while at SAU. Dr. Rankin also gave a brief update on the budget.
We welcome Margie Lovell to the SAU Police Department.
We offer get well wishes to the staff senate members who have been sick this last month.
The baseball team is playing in the regionals in Minnesota. There will be places set up around campus to watch the game.
Brad Stout and his crew will have a steak cook-off team in the Magnolia Blossom Festival.
The motion to adjourn was made by Brad Stout with a second by Paula Washington-Woods. The next Staff Senate meeting will be June 19, 2013.