The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 210. Senators in attendance were Phyllis Austin, Kendra Copeland, Emily Jester, Edgar Johnson, Angela McLaughlin, Brad Stout, Sandra Walker, Wilma Williams, Lesley Robertson, and Lillie Wright. Guests included Sarah Adcox, Amanda Perry, Eric Engelberger, and Mary Bradshaw.
Approval of Minutes
Kendra Copeland called the meeting to order. Edgar Johnson made a motion to accept the May 15, 2013 minutes with a second by Emily Jester.
Old Business
Committee Reports:
Kendra Copeland announced the Board of Trustees had approved the 2013-2014 Budget. SAU opted out of the Concealed Carry Law. The Concealed Carry Law will be reviewed annually. There was an increase in insurance rates of 3.35%. The walking trail and lights have been completed on the farm road. Dr. Rankin’s contract was renewed for another year and Dr. Stinson received the Distinguished Professor award.
New Business
Staff Senate Elections:
The Staff Senate Elections were held in May. Nominations were sent out at the end of June. New senators will take their seats at the July meeting.
Charitable Fund Report:
Kendra Copeland distributed the charitable fund report. Mrs. Becki sent out an email to Phyllis Austin thanking everyone for their contributions.
Staff Updates
Nominations were made for Vice President and Secretary. Brad Stout for Vice President, nominated by Lillie Wright and Phyllis Austin for Secretary, nominated by Emily Jester. Nominations were not made for Faculty Liaison.
It was discussed that Bylaws needed to be reviewed before new members could be sworn in. Elections were tabled until July 17th meeting.
We offer get well wishes to the staff senate members who have been sick this last month.
Phyllis Austin was elected Chair of the Charitable Funds account and asked if essentials were needed. We are to let her know of hardships in the future so that she may distribute.
The motion to adjourn was made by Allen Lachut with a second by Brad Stout. The next Staff Senate meeting will be July 17, 2013.