The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Phyllis Austin, Kathy Cole, Emily Jester, Edgar Johnson, Allen Lachut, Jeremy Langley, Angela McLaughlin, Brad Stout, Becki Talley, Robbye Taylor, Paula Washington-Woods, Wilma Williams, Michael Woods and Lillie Wright. Becki Talley had Lesley Robertson’s proxy. Guests included Mr. Paul McLendon.
Approval of Minutes
Jeremy Langley called the meeting to order. Brad Stout made a motion to accept the November 14, 2012 minutes with a second by Edgar Johnson. Langley welcomed Michael Woods to the Staff Senate. Woods will fill the position held by Houston Taylor who resigned from the senate.
Old Business
There was no old business.
Committee Reports
Jeremy Langley reported on the Board of Trustees meeting. Paula Washington-Woods reported on the Student Affairs Committee and the Catastrophic Leave Committee.
New Business
Budget Update
Paul McLendon, Vice President of Finance, gave an update on the upcoming budget year. There are potential issues that will affect the budget such as tuition downturn for spring 2012-2013, performance funding from the State, and increased utility costs. The University is looking at several ways to cut costs by controlling the utility costs, looking at teaching loads, and offering more on-line courses. They are also working with the legislature to inform them how detrimental the performance funding is for universities and how it impacts the students, which in turn hurts the State. McLendon noted at this time there were no plans to cut salaries or to cut staff positions.
Holiday Calendar
The Holiday Calendar for 2013-2014 was distributed by Jeremy Langley. It was noted that on December 23, 2013, a mandatory vacation day would be taken so staff would not have to come to campus on Monday for one day before the Christmas holiday begins on the 24th. A motion was made to accept the calendar with the mandatory vacation day by Brad Stout with a second by Paula Washington-Woods. The motion was approved.
The motion to adjourn was made by Brad Stout with a second by Paula Washington-Woods. The next Staff Senate meeting will be Wednesday, February 20, 2013.