The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Phyllis Austin, Kathy Cole, Kendra Copeland, Emily Jester, Edgar Johnson Allen Lachut, Jeremy Langley, Angela McLaughlin, Shawana Reed, Lesley Robertson, Brad Stout, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, Wilma Williams and Lillie Wright. Guests included Mr. Roger Giles.
Approval of Minutes
Jeremy Langley called the meeting to order. Brad Stout made a motion to accept the October 17 minutes with a second by Kathy Cole.
Old Business
There was no old business.
Committee Reports
Jeremy Langley reported on the Board of Trustees meeting and the Fringe Benefits meeting.
Kathy Cole reported on the Strategic Planning Committee and the Graduate Council meeting.
Brad Stout gave a report on the Faculty Senate Committee meeting.
Becki Talley gave a report on the Academic Affairs meeting.
New Business
Insurance Update
Mr. Roger Giles gave an update on the university health insurance. Mr. Giles advised that the university has been looking at ways to scale back the costs of insurance. He presented the options that are being looked at. One plan is to continue to pay retirees insurance up to $504.00 a month for health insurance. If costs increase over that, the retiree will be responsible for any increase. This is up to the point that Medicare becomes available to the retiree. Also, Mr. Giles advised the university has always paid for single employee insurance, but after January, the health insurance payment for all employees will be charged on a tiered health plan that is dependent on the employee’s salary and family situation. It will be single coverage, employee/child coverage, employee/spouse coverage and family coverage. These plans are contingent upon recommendations by the Staff Senate, Faculty Senate and final approval by the Board of Trustees.
After the presentation, Brad Stout made a motion to accept the retiree post- employment health care proposal and also the proposed tiered health plan for employees at SAU. Lillie Wright seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Charitable Fund Report
The fund report was distributed by Kendra Copeland. She noted the balance in the fund and also noted what the fund had been used for in the month of October.
Angel Tree
The Staff Senate agreed to help with the Angel Tree this Christmas. Shawana Reed and Phyllis Austin agreed to shop for the gifts. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to the gifts by contacting Shawana or Phyllis.
Staff Updates
Lesley Walthall and James Robertson were married by Jeremy Langley.
The motion to adjourn was made by Brad Stout with a second by Phyllis Austin. The next Staff Senate meeting will be Wednesday, December 19, 2012.