The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Amber Sharp-Allen, Phyllis Austin, Kathy Cole, Kendra Copeland, Josh Kee, Jeremy Langley, Sandra Smith, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Sandra Walker, Lesley Walthall, Paula Washington-Woods, Wilma Williams, Donald Wray and Lillie Wright. Guests included Stacy Clanton, Roger Giles and Christopher Harris.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Josh Kee. Jeremy Langley made a motion to accept the January 18, 2012 minutes with a second by Sandra Smith.
Old Business
SAU Charitable Fund:
Kendra Copeland reported on the SAU Charitable Fund. She announced there are now payroll deduction forms that can be filled out for donations to the fund. It can be taken out of each check or a one-time donation. Josh Kee stated that he would like all Staff Senate members to have completed the form or made the donation by the Staff Awards Breakfast so we could announce 100% participation by the staff members.
Staff Awards Breakfast:
The Staff Awards Breakfast is March 19. Cynthia Blake is chairing the committee in charge of the breakfast and plans are being made for the breakfast. The next meeting of the committee will be February 22.
Committee Reports
IRB Committee:
Sandra Walker reported on the IRB committee meeting. She announced that a date had been left off of the IRB manual and that date would be added. She also noted that Jennifer Logan of the IRB Committee had met with Linda Tucker of the Grant Research Committee about working together to make sure that anyone that applies for a research grant would need to go through the IRB committee if necessary.
Faculty Senate Report:
Stacy Clanton reported on the Faculty Senate. The next meeting will be February 16. The minutes of the last meeting had been sent out by e-mail. He noted there would be corrections to the salary memo that had been sent out.
New Business
Update concerning AQIP and Performance Funding:
Mr. Roger Giles gave a report on AQIP. He noted future dates that would be coming up concerning when various reporting would have to be in. He reported there were nine committees working on different components of AQIP. He also noted there were three action plans involved in AQIP.
Giles also discussed Performance Funding. He reported that SAU must meet certain standards to retain 5% of their funding. The Legislature will withhold 5% of our funding. If we meet the standards set by the state, we will get the money back. If not, the university loses the funding. The next year 10% would be withheld and so on until 25% of the funding is withheld. Giles reported there are mandatory measures that each university must meet and there are several optional measures they can choose to meet. He also noted that everyone could be involved in some continuous improvement for the university. The Staff Senate’s Charitable Contribution Fund could be used as a continuous improvement project.
Faculty Parking Appeal Committee Proposal:
The Faculty Parking Appeal Committee has proposed that all three of the parking committees- faculty, staff and student- be combined. They note that it would be more efficient use of time if they were combined. Sandra Smith noted the Student Parking Appeals Committee wanted to remain separate. After a discussion about combining the committees, it was agreed that the Staff Senate would not support a proposal to combine the three committees. Jeremy Langley made a motion not to accept the proposal combining the three committees with a second by Sandra Smith. This motion was approved.
A motion was then made by Sandra Smith to combine the faculty and staff parking appeals committee with equal representation. There was a second by Paula Washington-Woods. This motion was approved. The new proposal will be taken back the Faculty Parking Appeals Committee for their approval.
State Basketball Tournament:
Houston Taylor announced that SAU will be hosting the Class 1A State Basketball Tournament from February 28 through March 3.
Agri Building Groundbreaking:
Josh Kee noted that groundbreaking for the new Agri Building will be March 8th.
Staff Updates:
Updates were given on several staff members who are having health issues. The Staff Senate wishes them a speedy recovery. Sympathy was extended to the Telford family and the Edsel Talley family.
The motion to adjourn was made by Houston Taylor and seconded by Donald Wray. The Staff Awards Breakfast will serve as the March Staff Senate meeting.