The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Amber Allen, Phyllis Austin, Cynthia Blake, Kathy Cole, Kendra Copeland, Josh Kee, Shawana Reed, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Sandra Walker, Lesley Walthall, Paula Washington-Woods, Wilma Williams and Lillie Wright. Guests included Scott White.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Josh Kee. Houston Taylor made a motion to accept the October 19 minutes. The motion was seconded by Kathy Cole. Josh Kee recognized Scott White as the Faculty Senate Liaison.
Old Business
There was no old business.
Committee Reports
Board of Trustees Report:
Jeremy Langley could not be at the meeting to make a report on the Board of Trustees meeting.
Fringe Benefits:
Josh Kee reported the Fringe Benefits Committee was considering long-term care insurance. It would be an added benefit that the employee would be responsible for. There would be an open enrollment with no medical screening. The benefit would also be open to spouses. There would need to be 10% employee participation to get the program started at SAU.
Faculty Senate Report:
Scott White reported that the Faculty Senate would meet on November 17. He reported the senate would be discussing several items including the following;
1. The senate would be discussing restructuring the parking appeals committee
2. The use of Allusers e-mail
3. VPAA guidelines
4. Payroll adjustments and raises for faculty
Academic Affairs:
Becki Talley noted the Academic Affairs Committee will be meeting again to discuss the new 120 hour degree plans.
Graduate Council:
Kathy Cole reported on the Graduate Council meeting. All curriculum changes were approved with the exception of one which was tabled.
AQIP Meeting:
Amber Allen discussed the AQIP meeting. She noted they were discussing whether there needed to be a new mission statement drafted or to stay with the current one.
New Business
Josh Kee requested input on whether to have a December Staff Senate Meeting. He noted it would be on December 21. There was a discussion if there would be enough members on campus to have the meeting. Wilma Williams made a motion to cancel the December 21 meeting with a second by Sandra Walker. The motion was approved.
SAU Charitable Fund:
Josh Kee reported the committee had not met, but a draft of the rules and regulations had been drawn up. These were handed out to the senate members. There was a discussion and questions to the committee about some of the rules. It was noted that some of the rules were not very clear and perhaps the committee could address them. Josh Kee asked that members submit any questions or suggestions to Kendra Copeland.
Reports from On-Campus:
It was suggested that the Staff Senate might want to invite people from on-campus to visit the meetings and give updates about what was going on at SAU. Suggestions included inviting Paul McLendon to discuss the budget, Donna Allen to discuss student retention and Roger Giles to discuss performance funding and AQIP.
Staff Updates:
Updates were given on several staff members who are having health issues. The Staff Senate wishes them a speedy recovery.
Angel Tree Ministry:
Josh Kee reported the Staff Senate will sponsor a child from the Angel Tree. He will take care of picking the child and take donations for the gifts. It was also decided if there were more children to sponsor, the Staff Senate would sponsor them.
Technology in Classroom:
Kathy Cole reported that Channel 10 news had visited Denise Moseley’s class to report on technology in the classroom. The report will air on Thursday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m.
Celebration of Lights:
It was noted the Celebration of Lights will be held on Thursday, December 1 beginning with the Christmas parade.
The motion to adjourn was made by Houston Taylor and seconded by Amber Allen. The next scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, January 18, 2012.