The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Cynthia Blake, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Teresa James, Sarah Jennings, Josh Kee, Essie Moore, Eric Plummer, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, and Shelly Whaley. Visitors included Leonard Biddle, Kathy Kaar, Angela McLaughlin, Julie Metro, Darrell Morrison, Linda Mullins, Daniel Page, Dorothy Standoak, Debbie Sehon, Sarajane Telford, Pam Vaughn, and Jennifer White.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Eric Plummer. A motion to accept the minutes of October 21, 2009 was made by Josh Kee and seconded by LaTricia Davis.
Old Business
There was no old business.
Committee Reports
Brenda Garrett reported on the Research Committee, Shelly Whaley reported on the Student Affairs Committee and also the Honors Committee.
New Business
Budget Update
Darrell Morrison gave a financial update. He reported that there were several reasons why the University budget is reflecting a deficit which includes a downward trend in tuition revenue due to student credit hours being down, state funding is down and although the graduate program is growing, the students do not take as many student credit hours as undergraduate students. He noted that while the current budget is being revised to reflect the loss of revenue, the 2010-2011 budget will show an even larger deficit due to state appropriations being down, stagnant tuition revenue, utility cost increase, and scholarship cost increases. He advised there were things that must be done in the coming budget year to make up for the deficit in the budget such as to evaluate programs on campus, analyze faculty positions and needs, look at staff positions to see if there are overlapping duties that could be done by one person, cost-saving measures across campus and he encouraged the university to work together to solve the problems. There were many questions and discussion following the report.
Morrison also reported that there was capital money for improvements on campus and also one-time stimulus money for use in building improvements.
Building Improvements
Chief Plummer reported that there are several areas on campus that improvements will be made to: W. T. Watson lobby, Harrod Hall lobby, the roof at Auburn Smith field house, and Bussey Hall bathrooms. Also the softball complex will be built. The weight room will be torn down and moved to another location.
Board of Trustees Update
Chief Plummer reported that the Board of Trustees held a telephone conference to discuss two issues (1) resolution to approve sale of auxiliary revenue bonds for the Magnolia campus, which the Board decided to wait until the market goes back down and will look at the issue again at a later date; (2) Southern Arkansas University-Tech land purchase, which the Board approved. This land will be used to expand the walking trail in the future.
Staff Senate Issues
Roger Giles contacted Chief Plummer about two issues that the Staff Senate might be interested in (1) beginning next semester, the faculty will use the Monday of finals as a class day to make up for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Finals will run from Tuesday to Friday and commencement will still be held on Friday; (2) to change the institutional accreditation process from a 10 year visit and self-study to an alternative plan by the Academic Quality Improvement Program which allows the institution to select three issues to work on, once these issues are completed and an annual report is filed, work can begin on the next issues. Mr. Giles is requesting everyone’s input on this.
Vision Plan
Essie Moore encouraged anyone interested in joining the vision plan to get in touch with the Human Resource office. They need at least 50 participants to get the program started.
Class Sessions between Semesters
LaTricia Davis advised that there would be a session of classes added between the spring and summer sessions and also between the fall and spring semesters.
The motion to adjourn was made by Josh Kee and seconded by LaTricia Davis. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.