The Staff Senate met on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in Business 341. Senators in attendance were Cynthia Blake, Ceil Bridges, Kendra Copeland, LaTricia Davis, Brenda Garrett, Sarah Jennings, Jeremy Langley, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, Amber Sharp, Sandra Smith, Sandra Walker, Lesley Walthall, Wilma Williams and Donald Wray.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Houston Taylor. Jeremy Langley made a motion to accept the minutes with a second by LaTricia Davis.
Old Business
There was no old business.
Committee Reports
Staff Breakfast
Wilma Williams reported that plans have been made for the Staff Breakfast scheduled for March 21. This year’s theme will center on family-type games. She reports that several businesses have contributed nice door prizes for the breakfast.
Committee Meetings
Brenda Garrett reported on the Research Committee meeting. Two fellowships and two research grants were awarded. Three travel grants were awarded for faculty to travel for presentations.
It was noted the Discipline Committee and the Faculty Senate Committee will meet Thursday, March 17.
Jeremy Langley reported that he and Aaron Street are working on the new yearbook. He passed around an outline for the yearbook to the Staff Senate and asked for any input. The yearbook will be ready for distribution in the fall.
Faculty/Staff Bulletin
Jeremy Langley noted the Faculty/Staff bulletin will be sent out on Wednesday, March 16.
Board of Trustees Meeting
Jeremy Langley announced that the Board of Trustees will meet April 1.
New Business
Faculty/Staff Picnic
LaTricia Davis reported there will be no faculty/staff picnic this spring. There had been a discussion about an ice cream social instead, but that was also decided against. The faculty will go back to having an excellence award banquet which is scheduled for later in April.
Proposed Amendments
Houston Taylor reported that over the year there had been several discussions about changes to the Staff Senate Constitution and the Constitution Committee had met and drawn up three proposed amendments. The first amendment deals with changes in the annual elections from April to June. The second amendment deals with filling vacancies on the Staff Senate that occur before a senator’s term expires and the third amendment deals with excessive absences from Staff Senate meetings. A motion was made to accept these three amendments with changes noted for Amendment 2 by Jeremy Langley with a second by Sandra Smith. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. These amendments will be sent out to the staff assembly to be voted on.
A motion was made to table discussion on how to handle president/president elect issues by Jeremy Langley with a second by Sandra Smith. It passed with unanimous vote.
Staff Employee Updates
Updates were given about staff employees. Rusty Hayes’ daughter broke her leg and had surgery at Children’s Hospital.
Staff Senate on Website
The Staff Senate link will be up and running soon on the university website.
Legislative Discussion
Legislative issues that might impact SAU were discussed. There are several bills affecting state universities that are before the state legislature at this time.
The motion to adjourn was made by Jeremy Langley and seconded by LaTricia Davis. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 20 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205.