The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Cynthia Blake, Gaye Calhoun, Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Sarah Jennings, Josh Kee, Essie Moore, Eric Plummer, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, Shelly Whaley and Donald Wray.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Eric Plummer. Josh Kee made a motion to accept the minutes with a second by Essie Moore.
Old Business
Part-Time Employee Educational Benefits
A motion was made by Sarah Jennings and seconded by Donald Wray to table the part-time employee educational benefits discussion until Chief Plummer could get more information from the administration.
Staff Senate Elections
Shelly Whaley reported that the first round of nominations for Staff Senate will be ready to send out by April 1st. These will be done by e-mail except for the Physical Plant.
Committee Reports
Staff Breakfast Committee
Josh Kee reported that plans for the breakfast were almost complete. The theme for the breakfast this year is “Hopping into Spring”. There will be an Easter Hat and Easter bonnet contest this year, along with other entertainment and door prizes.
Faculty/Staff Picnic
Sarah Jennings reported that the faculty/staff picnic will be April 23 from 5:00 until 7:00 at the Welcome Center. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and ice cream for the meal, along with entertainment and a play area for the kids. The invitations will be sent out electronically this year.
Distinguished Alumni Dinner
Josh Kee announced that the Distinguished Alumni Dinner will be held on April 24. Tickets are available in the Alumni Office.
Publications Committee
Sarah Jennings reported that the Publications Committee met. They were invited to look over the publications and websites from the university and make suggestions or comments on what they viewed.
Scholarship Committee
Sarah Jennings reported that Scholarship Committee had met to review one appeal from a student who had lost his scholarship.
New Business
Classified Staff Pay Plan
Chief Plummer reported that there would be no funding for the second part of the classified pay plan that was due in July. The Governor announced that due to budget constraints he would not mandate that the second part of the pay plan be completed by the agencies. It will be up to the individual agency to decide if and when they can complete the plan.
Code of Ethics
Chief Plummer handed out the University Code of Ethics that was sent from Roger Giles’ office. Mr. Giles had asked the senate to look it over and discuss whether the senate would like to accept the Code of Ethics as written A motion was made by Josh Kee and seconded by Charles Honza to table voting on the code until the senators could take it back to their areas and get feedback from other people in their areas.
Thoughts and Prayers
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the faculty and staff members who are dealing with serious medical problems.
The motion to adjourn was made by Donald Wray and seconded by Josh Kee. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.