The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Cynthia Blake, Ceil Bridges, LaTricia Davis, Brenda Garrett, Sarah Jennings, Josh Kee, Jeremy Langley, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, Amber Sharp, Lesley Walthall, Wilma Williams and Donald Wray. Becki Talley served as proxy for Sandra Walker.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Houston Taylor. Jeramy Langley made a motion to accept the minutes from December 15, with a second by LaTricia Davis.
Old Business
Benevolence Fund
Discussion of the benevolence fund was postponed until the February meeting.
Committee Reports
Academic Affairs
LaTricia Davis reported that the Academic Affairs Committee had met. Approximately 270 items were passed at the meeting.
The Research Committee will meet on Thursday, January 20.
New Business
Questions from the Staff
There had been questions from staff members regarding the Martin Luther King holiday and why staff did not get the holiday. It was noted that the holiday is included in the days that staff receive for Christmas holiday.
Meeting Change
Houston Taylor asked if there would be a problem with the February meeting being moved to Tuesday, February 15 instead of Wednesday the 16th. He said he would check to make sure Reynolds 205 was available. Everyone was in agreement with the change if the room was available.
Staff Employee Updates
Updates were given on employees who have been mentioned in the past meetings that have been facing serious illnesses. Several of these employees are back at work. Others are still battling serious illnesses. Sympathy is extended to the families of Mary Butler and Jan Sun (Limount Zhao’s wife).
Retirement Parties
There will be a retirement party for Mary Hubbard on January 27 in Reynolds 205. There will also be a retirement party for Bob Terry on February 14 in Grand Hall. Mary Hubbard and Dr. Terry have been with SAU for many years and the staff senate would like to express our appreciation for the many years they have devoted to SAU.
The motion to adjourn was made by Jeremy Langley and seconded by Donald Wray. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205.