The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Cynthia Blake, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Sarah Jennings, Josh Kee, Essie Moore, Shawana Reed, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, Shelly Whaley and Donald Wray. Visitors included Darrell Morrison and Amber Sharp.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Essie Moore, presiding in the absence of Eric Plummer.
Old Business
There was no old business.
Committee Reports
Staff Breakfast Committee
A motion was made to go alphabetically to determine who would be in charge of the staff breakfast each year. This year will be the President’s division. The motion was made by Houston Taylor and seconded by LaTricia Davis.
Essie Moore mentioned that whoever is going to be chair for the Staff Breakfast Committee needs to work with the Human Resource office to coordinate the awards for the breakfast.
Academic Suspension Committee
LaTricia Davis gave a report on the Academic Suspension Committee. Five students were allowed to return. Ten students were not allowed to return to the university for the spring semester.
New Business
Part-Time Employee Educational Benefits
There had been a question about whether part-time employees should receive educational benefits. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Houston Taylor to table the issue until a later date. The motion was seconded by LaTricia Davis.
Budget Update
Darrell Morrison gave a revised budget update. He advised that due to state budget cuts, there would be another budget cut for the university and that it was going to be a difficult budget year. Morrison believes there will be another state budget cut before the year is over. He noted that the reserve funds cannot be used again, because some funds must be kept on hand for emergencies. He did emphasize that things could change and things might not be as bad as feared. For now supplies and services budgets will be cut and travel is frozen unless absolutely necessary.
Morrison stated that he had had questions about the classified pay plan. The first part of the pay plan had been implemented last budget year. He noted that the governor had indicated no pay raises for this budget year and Morrison wants clarification as to whether that includes the classified pay plan.
Morrison also noted that faculty/staff positions have been frozen until programs could be re-evaluated in the departments.
Thoughts and Prayers
Several faculty and staff members have lost loved ones over the last few months and the Staff Senate would like to send our deepest sympathy to these families.
Also, our thoughts and prayers go out to the faculty and staff members who are facing medical issues. We wish them strength and courage to deal with these problems.
The motion to adjourn was made by Josh Kee and seconded by Donald Wray. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.