Staff Senate Meeting
July 9, 2008
The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Charles Honza, Sarah Jennings, Pat King, Essie Moore (via phone), Eric Plummer, Becki Talley, Houston Taylor, Donald Wray, and Shelly Whaley. Visitors were Cynthia Blake who came as Roger Guevara’s proxy.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Shelly Whaley. A motion to accept the minutes of June 11, 2008 was made by Donald Wray and seconded by Marcela Brunson. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
Old Business
Website Committee
Shelly Whaley announced the website committee will be meeting on Thursday, July 10
to discuss the new staff senate website.
Back to School Meeting
Shelly Whaley reported that Roger Giles had set the staff back-to-school meeting for July 31 and that the meeting would be a split meeting with a morning and afternoon session with lunch being served for both groups at noon. It was agreed that the back-to-school meeting will count as the staff senate’s August meeting which is in keeping with the way it has been done in the past when the meeting fell in August. There are three amendments to be discussed at the upcoming back-to-school meeting. They include (1) the attendance policy for staff senate members; (2) if a senator leaves the senate early, what would be the acceptable way to handle filling the vacancy; (3) what happens if a senator is elected to the vice-president’s position during their final year of service and that person does not get re-elected to the staff senate.
LaTricia Davis announced that the back-to-school dinner will be on August 22.
Minimum Wage
Shelly Whaley reported that she had spoken to Darrell Morrison about the minimum wage issue. Minimum wage will be going to $6.55 on July 24. Student workers will begin receiving $6.55 as of that date. He also reported that in 2009 minimum wage would increase to $7.25. There was discussion about how the minimum wage increase might be more than some SAU workers receive as their salary at this time and maybe this issue should be reviewed so salaries could be kept in line with the increase in minimum wage.
Communication Issues
Shelly Whaley announced that Dr. Rankin could not be at the meeting, but she had invited him to attend the September meeting. It was discussed and agreed that it might be easier on Dr. Rankin if his office set up a meeting with the staff senate when it was convenient for him, and any staff senate member could then attend that meeting. Shelly agreed to check with Dr. Rankin’s office for a time to meet with him.
Committee Reports
There were no committee reports.
New Business
Staff Senate Liaisons
Charles Honza asked if Shelly Whaley was the only staff senate liaison at this time. Shelly reported that once the website is available, any staff senate member can visit with other universities.
Shelly Whaley announced that the BAM sessions were still going really well.
LaTricia Davis announced that enrollment for 2nd Summer Session was up from last year.
The motion to adjourn was made by LaTricia Davis and seconded by Donald Wray. The back-to-school meeting will serve as the August meeting. The next scheduled meeting in Reynolds will be September 10 at 2:00 p.m.