Staff Senate Meeting
April 9, 2008
The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Wendy Burge, Gaye Calhoun, Wayne Garner, Brenda Garrett, Roger Guevara, Charles Honza, Keli Honza, Mary Hubbard, Pat King, Essie Moore, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Donald Wray, Shelly Whaley, and Wilma Williams. Visitor was student representative, Mary McMillan.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Keli Honza. A motion to accept the minutes of March 12, 2008 was made by Shelly Whaley and seconded by Charles Honza. The motion passed.
Old Business
Officer Election for President Elect
Keli Honza announced that due to circumstances beyond her control, she would not be able to preside as President of the Staff Senate. Nominations were opened. Mary Hubbard nominated Shelly Whaley with a second by Marcela Brunson. There were no other nominations and the nominations were closed. Shelly Whaley was elected President and assumed the duties immediately.
Liaisons for Arkansas Staff Senates
It was suggested that Shelly Whaley try to contact the universities that Kellye Ogle had previously spoken to about the university liaisons to keep this option open for the SAU Staff Senate.
Committee Reports
Houston Taylor reported on the staff senate elections. Nominations were electronically submitted and the deadline to return those will be April 9. Ballots would be sent out as soon as the nomination process was complete.
Pat King reported on the Buildings and Grounds Committee. She reported that SAU had received a grant to complete the walking trail. She also reported that there was a discussion about cleaning the dorms on weekends and concerns about students crossing the roads outside the crosswalk.
New Business
Houston Taylor reported that Gary Millican had agreed to keep the website updated, but suggested that a website committee be set up to help with the updating.
Staff Breakfast
Keli Honza thanked everyone who had worked on the Staff Breakfast.
Bonus Pay Program
Keli Honza had spoken to Darrell Morrison about the bonus pay program. The state of Arkansas had initiated a new plan to take the place of the CLIP program. SAU had opted out of the plan and did not put it back in the 08-09 budget. The senate would have to formally ask for a new program to be implemented before it would be considered again. Shelly said she would speak to the liaison colleges and inquire about what kind of bonus pay program they have. This item will be moved to next month’s agenda. It was also noted that most staff people do not know that the Career Service pay was increased this past year and that the senators should tell others about this.
Brenda Garrett commended the SAU Baseball team for achieving first place in nationals.
Volunteer Day
It was announced that Leadership Magnolia will be having a clean-up day at the park on April 26th.
10 Hour Days
It was suggested that a new survey be done to inquire about the summer work schedule, Thanksgiving holiday schedule and spring break schedule where staff is required to work 4 10-hour days. This item will be continued until next months agenda.
Student Representatives
Student representative, Mary McMillan, spoke to the senate about changes that several students would like to see on campus. She noted that there was apathy among the student body, the administration and the faculty. The group has visited other campuses to discuss these problems with other students and they have made a video that will be put on You Tube that addresses the situation. She requested that the staff senate work with the student group to also address the issues on this campus. There was an extended discussion about this and it was agreed that Roger Guevara would be the liaison between the staff senate and the students. It was also agreed that this item would be continued until next months agenda for more discussion.
Building Temperatures
Wayne Garner questioned who was responsible for having the air or heat turned on in the buildings and noted that while several buildings on campus had already had their air turned on, Nelson had not. He said the building was very hot especially on the 2nd floor where his office is located. The Physical Plant senators noted that each building has a building captain that makes that decision.
Upcoming Events
Houston Taylor announced that the dinner and reception for Jordan Babineaux would be the evening of April 24. Gaye Calhoun reminded everyone that the farewell reception for Peggy Walters would be 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 24. Roger Guevara noted that Dr. James Watkins will be on campus to interview for the Education Leadership position on Friday, April 11.
The motion to adjourn was made by Essie Moore and seconded by Pat King. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 2:00 p.m.