Staff Senate Meeting
November 14, 2007
The Staff Senate met on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 205. Senators in attendance were Marcela Brunson, Gaye Calhoun, Wayne Garner (serving also as proxy for Melody Mayo), Brenda Garrett, Charles Honza, Mary Hubbard, Pat King, Kellye Ogle, Houston Taylor, Becki Talley, Donald Wray, Shelley Whaley, and Wilma Williams.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Kellye Ogle. Wayne Garner advised that Houston Taylor had served as his proxy at the October meeting, but it was not noted in the October minutes. A motion to accept the minutes with corrections from the October meeting was made by Donald Wray and seconded by Gaye Calhoun. The motion passed.
Old Business
Back to School Meetings
Kellye Ogle had asked for recommendations about the back to school meetings. Marcela Brunson had gotten several suggestions to improve the meetings and she went over the suggestions with the senate. Kellye Ogle will share the suggestions with Mr. Roger Giles.
Volunteer Opportunities for the Staff Senate
Kellye Ogle had asked the senate to come up with ways the senate could be more involved on campus and suggestions were made. They included joining the county-wide cleanup and also helping the Junior Charity League renovate Eastside Park.
Committee Reports
Houston Taylor reported on the Staff Senate Elections. He reported there was new software available that will make it easier for the staff senate elections to be done via e-mail and that a new staff distribution list is being created to make it easier to send the ballots out by e-mail. The software also could be used to do surveys if needed.
Becki Talley reported on the two Academic Affairs committee meetings.
New Business
Staff Parking Appeals Committee
Kellye Ogle reported that she had spoken to both Tim Wise, president of the Faculty Senate and also Limount Zhao, chair for the Faculty Parking Appeals Committee. They both agreed that the staff committee could meet with the faculty committee if a Staff Parking Appeals Committee was formed and would hear both faculty and staff parking appeals. Kellye Ogle appointed Becki Talley and Gaye Calhoun to serve on the committee. Other members will be appointed at a later date.
Staff Awards Breakfast
Kellye Ogle discussed the Staff Awards Breakfast and asked for suggestions about how to handle the arrangements for the breakfast next year. The senate is in charge of the breakfast each year and various suggestions were made on who would be responsible for the breakfast. It was decided to postpone the decision and give the senators time to discuss ideas with their individual departments.
Sick Leave Policy Change
Kellye Ogle reported that a change had been made to the sick leave policy to allow grandparents to use their leave to care for grandchildren if needed.
CLIP Program
There was a discussion about the clip program and also the merit pay program. Kellye Ogle reported that CLIP checks are scheduled to be distributed on December 7th. This date is subject to change. The CLIP program is no longer in existence but state agencies now have the option to implement the merit pay system. If state agencies choose to implement the merit pay system, they must provide adequate funding for the program. The merit pay system outlines specific percentages that are to be added to the employee’s salary based on the employee’s evaluation. Kellye Ogle agreed to research the new merit pay system and address the administration.
Staff Senate Sponsorship for Andrew Guy
Kellye Ogle mentioned that Andrew Guy had approached her about ways he could be involved in doing comedy skits for the staff. It was suggested that Andrew perform at the staff awards breakfast.
The Staff Senate expressed their sympathy to the family of Kathy Scott. Also, our prayers and thoughts go out to Kim and Kelly Merrell as she continues to fight cancer.
Building Entrances for the Handicapped
Kellye Ogle mentioned that a fellow staff member had addressed the need for automatic handicapped doors on the east and southeast side of Wilson. Several other senators also had students mention the need for automatic doors on other buildings on campus.
Survey and Website
Kellye Ogle asked the senate whether there were any issues that need to be addressed by survey. It was suggested that a survey could be conducted via the Staff Senate webpage. Houston Taylor agreed to speak to Shelley Keith about the webpage.
Kellye Ogle had spoken with Dr. Roger Guevara, president elect, regarding his service as president in the next staff senate term. Dr. Guevara’s job obligations prevent him from attending many of the staff senate meetings and therefore will pose a problem with him serving as president in the upcoming term. This issue will be addressed at the December Staff Senate meeting.
The motion to adjourn was made by Shelley Whaley and seconded by Brenda Garrett. The next meeting will be on December 12, 2007 at 2:00 p.m.