Staff Senate Minutes
October 18, 2006
The Staff Senate met on October 18, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. in Reynolds 210. Senators in attendance were Jill Bond, La’Tricia Davis, Wayne Garner, Brenda Garrett, Art Horne, Mary Hubbard, Diane Johnson, Pat King, Kellye Ogle, Beth Scroggins, Linda Smith, Cledis Stuart, Houston Taylor, and David Wingfield. Julia Strobele served as proxy for Dr. Roger Guevara. Visitors today were Wilma Williams, Charles Honza, and Darrell Morrison.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Houston Taylor. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Beth Scroggins and seconded by Cledis Stuart. The motion passed. Houston asked that we hear the new business first.
New Business
Darrell Morrison, Vice President for Finance, gave a presentation concerning the SAU Financial reports and current budget issues.
When comparing budgeted revenue to actual revenue, the report shows that total operating revenue was $103,786 less than projected, with losses in both tuition ($236,036) and auxiliary revenue ($333,818). In addition, the state of Arkansas currently supplies 42.4% of SAU’s budget compared with 50% in 2000. The state is spending more per student K-12 schools and less per student in institutions of higher learning.
Actual total operating expenditures exceeded the budgeted amounts by $184,506. Mr. Morrison explained some of the reasons for the variances in the budget amounts by discussing many of the items individually.
Mr. Morrison remarked that some had inquired about why the university would spend so much money on buildings, football field turf, and baseball lights, etc., when SAU is in such a budget crunch. The answer to this is that the funds for these items were either donated for specific purposes or obtained through bond issues, which are designated for certain expenditures.
Time was allowed for questions from the senate members. The Senate thanked Mr. Morrison for taking the time to inform the members on this matter.
Since time was short, David Wingfield made a motion that the remaining items on the agenda be tabled until the next meeting. This was seconded by La’Tricia Davis. The motion passed.
Houston requested a motion to schedule the November meeting on the third Wednesday (Nov. 15) of the month instead of the second Wednesday. The motion was made by Wayne Garner and seconded by La’Tricia Davis. The motion passed.
A motion to adjourn was made by Kellye Ogle and seconded by Julie Stroebele. The motion passed.
The next staff Senate Meeting will be held November 15, 2006 at 3:00 pm.m in Reynolds 210.