Staff Senate Minutes
June 15, 2006
The Staff Senate met June 15, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 210. Senators in attendance were Houston Taylor, Wayne Garner, Roger Guevara, La’Tricia Davis, Brenda Garrett, Linda Smith, Kellye Ogle, Jill Bond, Mary Hubbard, Beth Scroggins, Pat King, Diane Johnson, and Cledis Stuart. Houston Taylor will act as proxy for Art Horne.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Houston Taylor. A motion to accept the minutes with a change was made by Kellye Ogle and seconded by Wayne Garner. The change recommended: “No changes will be made to the insurance program this year” should be changed to “No changes will be made to the prescription portion of the insurance program this year.”
Old Business
Beth Scroggins made the motion that we take off the table the discussion on the bench for Earl Miller. This was seconded by La’Tricia Davis. Motion passed. The bench has been installed on the concrete slab close to the Kiosk in the mall area.
A discussion arose concerning the dedication of the bench. It was suggested that we consider making the dedication a part of the Homecoming activities this fall. Houston will speak with Ceil Bridges in order to coordinate the event with other homecoming activities.
Committee Reports
Fringe Benefits
Linda Smith was appointed to represent the Staff Senate on the Fringe Benefits Committee, replacing Gaye Calhoun. An email was received today noting the increase in rates on the health insurance.
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate has not met sine the last meeting of the Staff Senate.
New Business
There was no new business to discuss.
Beth Scroggins read an email question she had received concerning the due date for employee evaluations. Many supervisors are not on campus during summer months and evaluations are delayed or incomplete. Houston will check with Roger Giles concerning this subject.
Cledis Stuart raised a question concerning the possibility of preventative health benefits for employees. A program encouraging healthy lifestyle choices such as exercise, healthy eating choices, health screenings, health and fitness tips, etc. could be easily coordinated with the Governors’ Heath Initiative. It was suggested that a committee be formed to research the possibility of implementing such a program. Houston appointed Cledis Stuart, Wayne Garner, Roger Guevara, and Mary Hubbard.
A motion to adjourn was made by Cledis Stuart and seconded by Beth Scroggins. The motion passed.
The next Staff Senate meeting will be held July 13, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in Reynolds 210.