Staff Senate Minutes
May 11, 2005
The Staff Senate met May 11, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds 210. Those in attendance were Brenda Garrett, Beth Scroggins, Wayne Garner, Kay Sawyer, Sarajane Telford, LaTricia Davis, David Wingfield, Keli Honza, Sarah Jennings, Cledis Stuart, Darrell Morrison, Crystal Evans, Jill Bond, Kellye Ogle, Houston Taylor, Rebecca Chiles, Gaye Calhoun, Vera Camp, and guest Ed Nipper.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Cledis Stuart and seconded by Beth Scroggins. Motion passed.
Old Business
Earl Miller Memorial
It was reported that $313 has been given to the memorial fund. It was decided that we would send out a reminder to all users that the deadline for donations would be 6/15/05. Also, the funds will have to be run through the Foundation. A list of names and amounts will be given to Art Horne.
Committee Reports
Hiring Guidelines
Beth Scroggins said they had not met since last reported.
Keli Honza said they had met on Thursday to go over the non-classified. Sarah said she would mention to Roger Giles that we were still interested in having money included in the budget for CLIP.
Faculty Senate Liaison
Cledis gave a report of the last faculty senate meeting. He said new officers were elected and new senators were seated. Items discussed were on-line courses and more general ed courses being offered.
Smoking Policy
Kellye Ogle reported that they had met. Dr. Shirey discussed what was being done now and what the governor wants done. The committee will not meet again until fall because some committee members are faculty. The committee would like to see where the university wants to go.
Breakfast/Staff Awards
It was suggested that the committee needs to be appointed mid-fall so that the committee will have time to get the planning done.
Staff Senator Elections
New senators were recognized and welcomed. Rebecca and Darrell drew for term lengths on the two at-large senator positions. Rebecca will serve the 3-year term and Darrell will serve the 2-year term. Beginning next year, all newly elected senators will serve 3-year terms. Sarah thanked the election committee and suggested that the senate appoint one of this year’s committee members on the election committee for next year.
Sarah then turned the meeting over to our 2005-06 president, Beth Scroggins.
New Business
Elect Officers for 2005-06 – The following officers were elected for 2005-06:
Vice-President/Parliamentarian – Houston Taylor
Secretary – Kellye Ogle
Faculty Senate Liaison – Cledis Stuart
What happened with the time off for exercise issue? This issue was discussed at a prior meeting and no motions were made on the issue; there was not a feasible way to monitor the time off for exercising.
Are tickets being written for the habitual parking offenders? There are several students that park in the ten-minute parking places in front of Nelson Hall and other areas that do not have an SAU parking sticker. Can the license plate numbers be run to find out who these vehicles belong to and these students be made to purchase an SAU parking sticker? Rebecca said tickets are written for these people and license numbers can be checked, but at times the owner of the vehicle does not come back as one of our students. They have towed vehicles and placed holds on the vehicle until the owner comes and shows positive ID so the tickets can get posted to the student’s account.
A question was asked to the status of the parking appeals committee proposal. Discussion followed and Darrell Morrison made a recommendation that Beth talk to Marshall Horton and see what the faculty senate plans to do in regard to the parking appeals committee proposal.
A motion to adjourn was made by Darrell Morrison and seconded by Houston Taylor. Motion passed. The next meeting is June 8, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds Center, Room 210.