Staff Senate Minutes
April 13, 2005
The Staff Senate met April 13, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds 210.
Those in attendance were Diane Johnson, Sarah Jennings, Mary Ann Hand, Kellye Ogle, Rebecca Chiles, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Sarajane Telford, Keli Honza, Houston Taylor, Vera Camp, Charles Honza, Beth Scroggins, J Mark Trout, and guest Ed Nipper.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Rebecca Chiles and seconded by Sarajane Telford. Motion passed.
Old Business
Earl Miller Memorial
Reports were given on the costs of the different suggestions for the memorial. Keli Honza made a motion for the staff senators to solicit contributions from our constituents to go toward the Earl Miller Memorial. The memorial would be a bench with plaque and a tree. Motion seconded by Charles Honza. Motion passed.Keli Honza volunteered to send out an e-mail to all employees.
Payroll Changes
Sarah gave a brief history of the payroll change and the results of the campus wide survey. The results showed that the majority of staff did not want a change.
A motion was made by Keli Honza to send a recommendation to Darrell Morrison that based on the results of the survey (76 against, 63 for) that we have made the choice not to support the pay change. Seconded by Diane Johnson. Motion passed with a majority.
Committee Reports
Breakfast/Staff Awards
LaTricia suggested that we have a chairman elect to keep the continuity of the planning guidelines in effect.
Keli Honza reported that the draft on non-classified was being reviewed before sending to the VP council.
Smoking Policy
The committee has not met.
Staff Senate Elections
A change on the at large senator positions was made from Grade 16 and under to Grade 17 and under and from Grade 17 and above to Grade 18 and above. This change was made so the groups would be split more evenly.
Rebecca Chiles and Darrell Morrison, two of the at-large senators for grade 18 and above, will have to draw to see who will serve the 3-year term.
Before the May meeting all elections will be done and the new senators will be invited.
New Business
Health Insurance
Effective July 1, 2005, a change will be made in SAU’s health insurance carrier.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mark Trout and seconded by Beth Scroggins. Motion passed. The next meeting is May 11, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds Center, room 210.