Staff Senate Minutes
March 9, 2005
The Staff Senate met March 9, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds 210. Those in attendance were Sarah Jennings, Kellye Ogle, Beth Scroggins, Rebecca Chiles, Mark Trout, Houston Taylor, Gaye Calhoun, LaTricia Davis, Sarajane Telford, Keli Honza, Charles Honza, Vera Camp, and David Wingfield. Guests were Darrell Morrison, Debra Sturdivant, Pam Howell, and Jamie Dodson.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. A correction to February minutes was made. On the CLIP committee report it should read:
Keli reported that final changes had been made and an e-mail sent for our approval so the document could be sent to State OPM after approval of the administration. Motion made to approve made by Keli Honza and seconded by LaTricia Davis. Motion passed.
New Business
Keli Honza made motion to move on to new business so that guests could leave meeting early. Charles Honza seconded. Motion passed.
Change of Payroll from once a month to every two weeks and related questions
Darrell Morrison, Director of Financial Services, was present to answer questions and explain the proposed change. If the payroll change goes into effect it would be May 1, 2005. After much discussion, the senate was concerned that the poll made by the senators may not have been explained as thoroughly as it should have been. Therefore, it was decided to re-poll all staff via e-mail and a hard copy to physical plant staff who do not have easy access to a computer. The results would be given to Darrell for his presentation to the VP council.
Possibility of Security Cameras at parking lots at the Village and across from Reynolds
The camera across from Reynolds has been set better. The only other alternative is to place one in the business building at a cost of $20,000. A camera for the Village has been ordered.
Old Business
Parking Appeals Proposal
Rebecca Chiles reported that she did the presentation to SGA and she received an e-mail from SGA president saying her proposal had been denied. He later called and said SGA was working on their own revisions.
Building Lighting Reporting
The questions posed from the February meeting and the answers provided by Jasper Lewis are listed below:
What is the status on the bathroom doors to be installed on Nelson?
The bathroom doors have been ordered. Once they are received a workorder will be created and the doors will be installed. There was a delay because the proper paperwork was not completed to request an estimate for the job. That has now been taken care of and we are awaiting the doors.
What is the status on installing an awning on the visitor entrance to Nelson?
When the building was first designed the architect included a plan for an awning. The plant has the architect’s drawing and they will be reviewing it. A request for an estimate may need to be submitted at some point in the future.
Motion sensors for the lights in the Business Building were brought up at the last Staff Senate meeting. Has any research been done on this subject?
In order for this to be researched, the Business Building faculty/staff and building captain would have to submit a Request for Estimate through the proper channels and if approved it would be submitted to the Plant.
Why are there no push button handicap accessible doors on Wilson?
A rough estimate for one of those doors is $3,000. There is no ADA requirement for those doors at this time. The ADA requires that the width pressure (pull) on the door be a certain standard. The doors on Wilson all meet or exceed this standard. A request for estimate can be submitted for installation on one of these doors on Wilson but it will have to be processed with a cost center (account number) for the expenditures necessary to install this type of door.
Are there any plans for more lighting in front of Overstreet?
If you are facing Overstreet, a plan is in place to install sidewalks and more lighting to the right of the building in the area where the sideline parking is located.
Spring Break Week Schedule
The VP Council approved the four 10-hour days work week for spring break. It is approved for this year only. The Senate will need to check in the fall of 2005 if we want to continue this for next year.
Earl Miller Memorial
Memorial suggestions were tree with plaque, bench with plaque, and tree with a bench and plaque. Volunteers are to check on costs and report at April’s meeting.
Committee Reports
Hiring Guidelines
Beth Scroggins reported that guidelines had been given to Roger Giles. She had not heard from him yet.
Keli Honza said still working on non-classified section. They are nearing the end.
Faculty Senate Liaison
Cledis Stuart not present to give report on Faculty Senate meeting.
Smoking Policy
Kellye Ogle and Debra Sturdivant are the representataives on the smoking policy committee.
Breakfast/Staff Awards
LaTricia Davis reported invitations had been mailed. The theme is Mardi Gras. There was discussion concerning if the extra help employees should be invited to the breakfast. A motion was made by Keli Honza for extra help employees to be invited to the breakfast. Seconded by Kellye Ogle. Motion passed. Mary Ann Hand and Arvia Askew are on the staff awards committee. Ann Bridges is chairing the committee that decides the awards.
Staff Senator Elections
Mary Hubbard has agreed to chair the elections committee. Paula Washington Woods, Beth Scroggins, Sarah Jennings, and Houston Taylor agreed to serve on the committee.
A question was submitted about the discrepancy in salaries here at the university, especially when it comes to staff that fall under student affairs and those in other departments or faculty salaries. It was pointed out that student affairs has more professional staff while other departments have more classified staff.
A motion to adjourn was made by Beth Scroggins and seconded by Sarajane Telford. Motion passed. The next meeting is April 13, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds Center, room 210.