Staff Senate Minutes
February 9, 2005
The Staff Senate met February 9, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds 210. Those in attendance were Charles Honza, Keli Honza, Gaye Calhoun, Beth Scroggins, Cledis Stuart, Gayla Barnard, Diane Johnson, Sarah Jennings, Mark Trout, Vera Camp. LaTricia Davis, Sarajane Telford, Rebecca Chiles, Houston Taylor, Mary Ann Hand, and Kellye Ogle. Guests were Gary Chatham and J Courson.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Cledis Stuart and seconded by Charles Honza. Motion passed.
Old Business
Parking Appeals Committee
J Courson reported on the structure of the Appeals Court. It is composed of a chief justice, 2 seniors, 2 juniors, 2 sophomores, and 2 freshmen. All of the members are elected by the student body. The court meets every Tuesday at 4 pm. A brief summary of their fall sessions revealed they had 65 appeals and only 36 were overturned.
Rebecca Chiles was to meet with SGA on 2-9-05, and she will report at the March meeting.
Staff Survey Results on Smoking Policy
Two members for the Ad Hoc Committee are needed. It was decided to submit nominations to Sarah Jennings and then a selection of the two people would be made.
Committee Reports
Hiring Guidelines
Beth reported that the completed guidelines had been sent by e-mail for our review. She mentioned that a definition had been added for emergency hire. Mary Ann mentioned that a Search Committee would receive information on a checklist of minimum job requirements and any type of special training needed. Also, there will be an evaluation list for each applicant so reviewing the candidates would be an easier process.
A motion to approve the hiring guidelines for recommendation to the administration was made by Rebecca Chiles and seconded by Diane Johnson. Motion passed.
Keli reported that final changes had been made and an email sent for our approval so the document could be sent to State OPM. Beth Scroggins made a motion to accept the CLIP changes. LaTricia Davis seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Faculty Senate Liaison
Cledis reported that minutes from Faculty Senate are available on the web.
New Business
Insurance Benefits
It was brought to the Senate’s attention through James Reppert that as a member of ASEA (Arkansas State Employee Association), a member is eligible to purchase other insurance benefits.
Senate Position Available
Charles Honza resigned from Staff Senate.
Election Committee
Sarah stated that it is time to appoint a committee to conduct the election for the Senate members whose term will expire this year.
Staff Awards Breakfast
Two committees are needed for this event. They are the Excellence Awards Committee and the Breakfast Committee.
LaTricia Davis will chair the Breakfast Committee and those who will serve with her are Mark Trout, Gayla Barnard and Diane Johnson. LaTricia can also draft people from all areas to help.
Mary Ann is to serve on the Excellence Awards Committee.
A motion to have these two committees was made by Houston and seconded by Kellye Ogle. Motion passed.
Earl Miller Memorial
Houston Taylor asked the Senate to consider the idea of a memorial to honor Earl Miller. It was decided for the Senate to solicit ideas from all employees, and we would discuss these ideas at the March meeting.
Energy Conservation
Senate guest, Gary Chatham, reported that he is concerned about the energy that is wasted from lights being left on in buildings when not is use. After discussion, it was decided that Kellye Ogle would visit with Jasper Lewis about this issue.
Some senators had concerns that had been addressed to them about certain building conditions and Kellye is going to visit with Jasper about them also. They are: a ramp at the east end of Wilson, bathroom doors in Nelson, and an awning at outside door in Nelson.
Flex Week at Spring Break
Sarah is to ask the VP Council what they have decided about the week of spring break. The Senate would be notified by email.
A motion to adjourn was made by LaTricia Davis and seconded by Rebecca Chiles. Motion passed. The next meeting is March 9, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds Center, room 210.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vera Camp