Staff Senate Minutes
January 26, 2005
The Staff Senate met January 26, 2005 at 3 pm in Reynolds 210. Those in attendance were Keli Honza, Charles Honza, Kellye Ogle, Mary Ann Hand, Diane Johnson, Gayla Barnard, Sarajane Telford, Sarah Jennings, Cledis Stuart, Beth Scroggins, LaTricia Davis, Houston Taylor, and Mark Trout. Roger Giles was our guest.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. A motion was made to approve the minutes and seconded. Motion passed.
Old Business
Parking Appeals Committee
J Courson will present at the next meeting. Rebecca Chiles will be placed on the SGA Agenda for the February meeting. She will attend this meeting and a report will follow.
Staff Survey Results
This survey was regarding the Governor’s directives regarding smoking on campus. It was recommended that the results be posted to the SAU Website. The remarks, in their entirety, will be placed where they may be viewed which will probably be in the Library.
Mr. Giles reported on the Governor’s directive regarding the smoking policy. SAU has a smoking policy that was introduced in the 90’s. This policy says that faculty could smoke in their offices. Some buildings have taken the authority to have smoke-free buildings. Questions were raised as to whether the SAU Smoking Policy needs to be revised. Mr. Giles suggested an Ad Hoc Committee might be appointed to discuss this policy.
Wellness Center
Keli Honza reported that she talked with Coach Jay Adcox. He said that due to the fact that the hospital rehab location will soon be moving there will be a lose of revenue. They are currently looking into this situation. Also, they are discussing the possibility of extending the hours of operation.
Sarah Jennings read a letter written to the Administration from the Staff Senate requesting funding for the CLIP Program. Dr. Rankin said that it was definitely under consideration and that funding would be discussed with this year’s budget committee.
New Business
Hiring Guidelines
Beth Scroggins was sent the question – “How can a person be hired if the job isn’t advertised?” Mr. Giles said that was classified as an “Emergency hire.” These need to be addressed in the Hiring Guidelines. An emergency hire is an identified need that arises and someone is needed in that place immediately. He said that there’s not money in the budget for this emergency position because the position may only be temporary, but if the money is appropriated in the budget – the position can become permanent and advertised. The person hired as an emergency hire may apply for the permanent position if that person has the qualifications and meets the job description. The President ultimately determines if an emergency hire is needed. It may come up from a Dean, to the VP – then on to Dr. Rankin. It was suggested that everyone should be made aware of the definition of an “emergency hire.”
The next meeting will be Wednesday February 9, 2005 in Reynolds 210 at 3:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarajane Telford
For Vera Camp