Staff Senate Minutes
December 8, 2004
The Staff Senate met December 8, 2004 at 3 pm in Reynolds 210. Attendance was taken but apparently the secretary failed to get it. There was a good attendance and quorum was met.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. A motion was made by Cledis Stuart to approve the minutes and seconded by Rebecca Chiles. Motion passed.
Old Business
Insurance Question
Based on the number of employees that SAU has, can we get a group rate for dental and vision insurance?
Answer: David Ashby, faculty senate fringe benefits committee chair, was present and gave a report on the committee’s discussion concerning adding dental and vision to our insurance package. David said that the vision option is not even being considered by the fringe benefit committee. The dental option would be entirely voluntary.
Parking Appeals Committee Proposal
It was reported that the SGA had postponed the presentation of the appeals committee proposal until January 2005. It was suggested that Dean Courson be invited to the Staff Senate. Cledis was to check with Faculty Senate to get their status.
Handicapped Parking
Rebecca reported that it would not be possible for the university to have a special permit for the handicapped parking spaces until fall 2005. This would have to be approved by the Board and then ordered.
Smoking Policy
Gaye mentioned that the State is making a policy by the end of the year and our survey would need to be done and reported to the Governor before the end of the year. Therefore, it was decided that the survey would be done now.
Wellness Center
After discussion it was decided that the questions concerning the wellness center would be addressed on a later survey. This would allow time for more research to be done.
Flex Week for Spring Break
It was discussed that maybe we could also include a question on the next survey concerning a flex work week for spring break.
Committee Reports
Hiring Guidelines
Beth reported that the committee has not met since last staff senate.
Kelli Honza reported that the committee is still working on the revisions and asked Sarah about the recommendation that was to be made to the President and VP Council. Sarah said that she would take care of the recommendation.
New Business
A motion was made and seconded for a declaration to commend Dr. Rankin for increasing the staff/faculty tuition waiver for dependents ahead of schedule.
A motion was made by Beth Scroggins to adjourn the meeting. Rebecca Chiles seconded. Motion passes. The next meeting is January 12th at 3 pm in Reynolds Center, room 210.