Staff Senate Minutes
November 10, 2004
The Staff Senate met November 10, 2004 at 3 pm in Reynolds 210.
Senate members in attendance included Diane Johnson, Sarah Jennings, Keli Honza, Charles Honza, David Wingfield, Mark Trout, La’Tricia Davis, Gaye Calhoun, Kellye Ogle, and Mary Ann Hand. One guest was present, Jamie Dodson.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. Sarah asked if everyone had read the minutes and if there were any changes. Regarding the posting of new hires in the faculty/staff bulletin-Mary Ann Hand stated that the list of new hires is sent to communications for posting in the faculty/staff bulletin. The new hires should appear in the bulletin once a month. James Navalta’s name was misspelled and corrections will be made in the minutes. A motion was made by David Wingfield that the minutes be accepted after corrections are made, and La’Tricia Davis seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Old Business
Search Guidelines
Clarification was made about not merging with faculty senate on search guidelines and the distinctions between faculty and staff hiring guidelines. Staff requirements include additional state guidelines and involve classified vs. non-classified issues as faculty requirements involve tenure vs. non-tenure issues, etc. LaTricia Davis said the committee met and would like to add members to the standing committee before continuing. This was put on hold till the next meeting in December.
Parking Appeals Committee
A proposal sent to the SGA has not been considered as yet. This was put on hold till the December meeting.
Regarding adding dental and visual to our insurance package. We will try to get David Ashby (faculty senate fringe benefits committee chair) to come to our next meeting and let us know what the faculty has discussed regarding this matter. This was put on hold till December meeting.
The Bray
Mark asked about the Bray question from last week. The subject of the language used in the newspaper was the topic of discussion. Mark said that we are anti-censorship, but there is a limit to what should be printed. What are students learning by reading the paper? Are they learning responsible journalism? There should be guidelines as to how something is worded and what is acceptable, professional language for a newspaper.
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New Business
Smoking policy
New signs just went up stating there is to be no smoking within 25 feet of entrances to buildings. It was brought up that students must smoke 25 feet away from a building but professors can smoke in their offices in the buildings. Mary Ann said that Jasper Lewis was waiting on the administration to tell him where to move the ashtrays (to get them away from the doors.) The problem is going to be for the smokers, where will they go? Are there to be designated, protected areas? Mary Ann said that Roger Giles would like recommendations from the senate regarding becoming a smoke free campus or where designated smoking areas should be. It was stated that a smoke free campus was probably not feasible or enforceable, especially where the students are concerned. A formal survey will be put together to get the opinions of the staff and we will check with Cledis as to what the faculty is doing regarding this situation.
Updating student addresses
Jamie Dodson told us that there is no common file for updating student addresses. The registrar’s office may have one address while the business office may have another. Students think that if they put in a change of address at one office that it automatically changes it all over campus. Not so. There is a change of address form at registration for students to fill out, but most do not do it.
Three comp hours a week for exercising
One Arkansas university, possibly ASU, allows staff 3 hours a week off during the workday in order to exercise (walk, run, use wellness center.) May possibly pay off in the long run with healthier staff members and lower insurance rates. Also mentioned was waiving the fee for staff and faculty to use the wellness center? Again, could pay off in the long run. Questions regarding this will be put on the survey along with the questions about smoking.
Handicapped parking
David Wingfield said that he can see students park in the handicapped spaces outside of Wilson, put someone else’s handicapped parking permit on the rear view mirror, and then run to class. This seems to be an everyday occurrence. He said that some universities issue their own handicapped parking permits and that one issued by the state was not accepted. This solves the problem of using “grandma’s” permit to park in the spaces. Students must apply with campus security to get a special sticker. Will get Rebecca Chiles to look into this matter.
With no further business a motion was made by David Wingfield to adjourn the meeting. Kellye Ogle seconded. Motion passed. Sarah Jennings adjourned the meeting. The next meeting is December 8th at 3 pm in the Reynolds Center, room 210.