Staff Senate Minutes
September 8, 2004
The Staff Senate met September 8, 2004 at 3 pm in the Reynolds Center. Senate members in attendance included Kellye Ogle, Keli Honza, Mary Ann Hand, Charles Honza, Vera Camp, Rebecca Chiles, Beth Scroggins, David Wingfield, LaTricia Davis, Diane Johnson, Sarah Jennings, and Houston Taylor. Jim McCollum was present as a guest.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Sarah. She asked if everyone had read the minutes. David Wingfield made a motion to approve minutes and Beth Scroggins seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Old Business
Hiring Guidelines
Beth Scroggins reported that the changes that had been suggested were made. Also, the committee expressed a desire that they would like to be made a standing committee where personnel issues could be addressed. Sarah is checking the procedures for the approval of the hiring guidelines and the hiring committee to become a standing committee. She will report at the next meeting.
Keli Honza reported that the committee had not been able to meet, but since school was in session a meeting would be scheduled. The question was asked if everyone had done evaluations. Mary Ann Hand reported that a lot had been done but some were still coming. It was expressed that now we need to work on getting money budgeted for implementing the CLIP program.
New Business
Wellness Center Question
The Wellness Center is not open nearly as much as it used to be, is there a reason for this? Also, the equipment is not well kept up, can anything be done to better that? The question was tabled until information could be gathered from Dr. James Novalta, Wellness Center Director.
Payroll Issue Question
I know the issue of extra pay being paid by separate check has been discussed, but since there are problems with that, can the money be divided into 5 or 6 months rather that 12? For example, an adjunct has the amount for teaching a fall class divided into 12 months, could that amount not be divided among the 5 months that the class is being taught? Answer: If the pay is $1,000 or more, it will be divided over the academic year. If the pay is less than $1,000, it will be divided over the semester. Also, other criteria may also be considered.
Leadership Magnolia Question
I have a question for the administration. Why is the sponsorship of staff and faculty by the University to the Leadership Magnolia program so secretive? No criteria or procedures for applications or appointment have ever been circulated to the University community to my knowledge and no announcements have been made for a deadline for the receipt of applications for such sponsorship. Answer: Leadership Magnolia participants are selected by the Vice-Presidents Council. Criteria considered is as follows: (1) Cost (2) If person can be spared from their job for the day (3) How beneficial it would be to SAU (4) The nature of the person’s job (5) Rotate selection between departments The idea was mentioned that when SAU has a Leadership Magnolia participant it could be mentioned in the newsletter.
Parking Appeals Committee Proposal
Rebecca Chiles expressed concern over the structure of the Parking Appeals Committee. Rebecca has done surveys at comparable universities to see how their appeals committee functions. She presented the following idea. SAU have an appeals committee where there would be equal representation of faculty, staff, and students so the process would be fair. I propose to have three from each of the above mentioned groups, with someone from the student senate presiding without voting power. We could also have a police officer, without voting power, available at each meeting to answer questions or clarify things. This committee should be used for appeals to parking tickets by faculty, staff, and students. I think visitors should still be referred to the chief, so they do not have to go through this process. We will continue to void visitor’s no permit tickets as usual. I do not think that handicap violations should be appealed. They should stand as is, because there is no valid excuse. I do not think the person appealing should be required to be present at the meeting, as long as they have filed a written appeal within five business days of the violation. We could have the appeal form available on line, or they could obtain one from the police department. They would be notified by e-mail of the finding by the committee. Any suggestions about this process are welcomed. Houston Taylor made a motion for the Staff Senate to support the recommendation of the restructuring of the Parking Appeals Committee be taken to the Student Government Association. Keli Honza seconded the motion. Motion passed. Chief Chiles also plans on going to the Faculty Senate to share this recommendation.
Our meetings for the fall semester will be at 3:00 pm in Reynolds 210 unless the room is being used. Rebecca Chiles made motion to adjourn. Seconded by David Wingfield. Motion passed.