Staff Senate Minutes
July 14, 2004
The Staff Senate met July 14, 2004 at 2 pm in the Library. Senate members in attendance included Diane Johnson, Sarah Jennings, Keli Honza, Charles Honza, Sarajane Telford, David Wingfield, Houston Taylor, Peggy Walters, Cledis Stuart, Mark Trout, LaTricia Davis, Gayla Barnard, Gaye Calhoun, and Beth Scroggins. One guest was present, Jan Vaughn.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. Sarah asked if everyone had read the minutes.
A motion was made by Peggy Walters that the minutes be accepted, and the motion was seconded by LaTricia Davis.
Motion passed.
Hiring Guidelines
Beth Scroggins reported on Search Guidelines for Staff. On page 3 an affirmative action statement was added. Added on page 8, #5–All internal SAU employees who apply for the open position will be granted an interview. It was suggested that the wording be amended to read–All internal SAU employees who apply for the open position and who meet the qualifications will be granted an interview.
All search committee members will be given a copy of the guidelines so that interviews will be consistent and structured, using a preset group of questions for each candidate.
One senator said that a constituent voiced concern over some employees applying for positions and never getting an interview. With the above guidelines and changes in place, this will hopefully resolve that concern.
A motion was made by Cledis Stuart to accept changes in wording, seconded by Gayla Barnard. Motion passed.
At this point, Gayla was welcomed to the staff senate, filling the position left vacant by Tommy Slaughter.
CLIP Program
Keli Honza said that the committee should meet with Roger and see if the CLIP program is going as planned and that a suggestion should be made to implement the program next year. The senate decided to wait for one more report from the committee and then a formal motion will be made at the next senate meeting.
New Business
Lost key charges
The handbook says a fee will be assessed for lost keys but does not state what the fee is. The paperwork that one signs when receiving keys states that the charge is $8 per key and $25 per core. There was a suggestion that a cap be put on the amount an individual could be charged in the event of lost keys, since there is a precedence already set for this. It was said that Dr. Rankin is looking into the key charge situation now. No action was taken.
Staff Assembly
Wednesday, Aug 4th, 10am is the date and time for the all staff assembly. The plan is to meet in the lecture room of the Reynolds Center with lunch following in the dining room.
It was mentioned that staff senate meetings may change location from the library to one of the meeting rooms in the Reynolds Center.
With no further business Cledis Stuart made a motion to adjourn. Peggy Walters seconded the motion. Motion passed. Sarah Jennings adjourned the meeting. The next meeting is Aug 5th at 2 pm in Magale Library.