Staff Senate Minutes
June 9, 2004
The Staff Senate met June 9, 2004 at 2 pm in the Library. Senate members in attendance included Mary Ann Hand, Diane Johnson, Sarah Jennings, Kellye Ogle, Keli Honza, Rebecca Chiles, Charles Honza, Sarajane Telford, David Wingfield, LaTricia Davis, Vera Camp, Gaye Calhoun, and Beth Scroggins. Guests present were Darrell Morrison, Debra Sturdivant, Jamie Dodson, Essie Moore, and Jim McCollum.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting was called to order. Sarah asked if everyone had read the minutes, and Mary Ann Hand had a change to make to the section referring to the staff handbook on the career service policy. The proposed amendment to the minutes is as follows:
“Classified staff and non-classified staff (excluding faculty) are eligible for annual career service recognition payments upon completion of ten (10) years of state service in regular full-time position(s). Payments are made each year in the month following the staff member’s eligibility/anniversary date unless their anniversary date falls on the 1st day of the month.”
Payment of career service for classified employees has been paid in this manner for many years, but for some reason the handbook did not accurately reflect it. One correction does need to be made to the latest draft of the handbook to correct what the policy is in regard to when non-classified are paid for career service. Eligible non-classified employees are paid their career service recognition payment in July of each year. The reason for this dates back to a memo dated April 29, 1991, from OPM that gave guidance on payment of career service. In regard to non-classified employees it states:
“Non-classified who meet the eligibility requirements will be eligible to receive annual Career Service Recognition payments on the employee’s latest hire date.”
OPM expanded on that point to say that where institutions have traditionally recognized a specific date as an increase eligibility date for non-classified employees, the career service payment may be made on that date. Since non-classified employees are in effect rehired each year when offered a new contract effective July 1, then that is the date they are eligible for an increase. Therefore, career service for non-classified is paid in July of each year.
After discussion, the motion to amend the minutes was made by David Wingfield and seconded by Gaye Calhoun. Motion passed.
A motion was then made to approve the amended minutes by David Wingfield and seconded by Rebecca Chiles. Motion passed.
Unfinished Business
Catastrophic Leave
Darrell Morrison was present to answer questions.
Question: Can you donate your excess sick leave to an individual?
Response: No, you can only donate to the bank.
Question from prior meeting: Can the paper work required in requesting catastrophic leave be made any easier or less cumbersome? Some medical facilities are very slow in completing the paper work.
Response: The four pages a person is required to complete are needful to document the usage of the leave. Some doctors do slow the process down because they do not complete accurately. This process has been in effect since 1987 and on our campus since 1993. This same paper work is used statewide.
The catastrophic leave committee made changes in the guidelines to be more fair and just. These changes are as follows:
– – Employee must have 80 hours combined annual and sick leave at onset of illness.
– – Recommended change from 3 months of maximum catastrophic leave to 520 hours.
– – Employee must be denied disability retirement and then can apply for additional catastrophic leave.
– – Definition of catastrophic illness.
These changes have made the decisions of the committee be done in a more fair determination.
Question: Is pregnancy considered a catastrophic illness?
Response: No, unless circumstances are documented by a doctor.
Career Service Pay Policy
Mary Ann Hand explained in more detail the difference in classified and non-classified. She went over the insert added to the minutes of May 12, 2004. Question was asked if we have to follow the OPM guidelines. Mary Ann said yes. Nothing can be done about changing the service date on the non-classified. It could read non-classified eligibility date rather than anniversary date. No recommendation was made.
A motion was made by David Wingfield to accept revised version of career service pay change in section 217 of the handbook as it stands. Seconded by LaTricia. Motion passed with one opposed.
Staff Handbook Revisions:
Changes that need to be made to the handbook were discussed. They are listed below.
– Essie Moore made a change to Section 207, Preparing for Retirement. Option 1should read “Faculty or staff member contributes 6 percent, SAU contributes 14 percent.”
– Roger Giles made a change to Section 415. The title will read “Continuing Education for Staff” rather than “Staff Development.”
The wording of Section 405, Inclement Weather, was discussed. A motion was made by LaTricia Davis to change wording in paragraph 1 to read “and/or based on regular scheduled individual’s work day.” Motion seconded by David Wingfield. Motion carried.
Questions were asked about Section 314, Overtime-Compensatory Time Off Policy for Nonexempt Staff. Concern was expressed that other areas might need to be added to Section 314.8 and 314.9. Rebecca Chiles made a motion to review 314.8 and 314.9 to see if additional departments need to be added for regular overtime work. Motion was seconded by Beth Scroggins. Motion passed.
Guest, Jim McCollum, commented on Section 409, Posting of Notices. He was interested in “expiration date” being defined. Mary Ann Hand is going to check into this request.
Committee Reports
Hiring Guidelines
Beth Scroggins reported the committee is making one change and it will be e-mailed to everyone before the next staff senate meeting.
Elections Committee
Sarah Jennings reported that since Tommy Slaughter was retiring effective June 30, 2004, an election needed to be held to fill his spot.
Mary Ann Hand reported that some of the evaluations are coming in and if not in by deadline date, Roger will send an all users to inform those who have not turned in evaluations.
New Business
The question was asked if there is a way that SAU employees can get a monthly listing of new employees. A suggestion was made that they might could be included in the SAU Newsletter on a monthly basis. Mary Ann Hand agreed to provide this information to Crystal Evans.
With no further business David Wingfield made a motion to adjourn. LaTricia Davis seconded the motion. Motion passed. Sarah Jennings adjourned the meeting. The next meeting is July 14th at 2 pm in Magale Library.