Staff Senate Minutes
April 14, 2004
The Staff Senate met April 14, 2004. Those in attendance were Keli Honza, Sarajane Telford, Gaye Calhoun, Kathy Cole, Houston Taylor, Robert Jones, Kellye Ogle, Beth Scroggins, Sarah Jennings, Charles Honza, Vera Camp, Cledis Stuart, Essie Moore, and Mark Trout. Our special guests were President David Rankin, Tiffany Reeves, and Crystal Evans.
President Honza called the meeting to order.
Motion made by Cledis Stuart to accept the minutes from last meeting, 2nd from Charles Honza.
President Honza then welcomed Dr. David Rankin to our final meeting of the year. He wanted to bring us up-to-date on the building program and the progress that is being made. He then began a slide presentation with the assistance of Tiffany Reeves. He first showed us the covers of some publications that will be featuring Overstreet Hall, the magnolia blossom, etc., stating that we are going to begin promoting the Mulerider mascot in future publications.
During the slide show Dr. Rankin gave us the latest progress regarding the Reynolds Center, the Honors Hall, University Village, and the East Hall. He said that the East Hall Dorm will resemble Honors Hall except the entrance will be in the middle of the building.
The tennis courts are going to be resurfaced, the gym has already received new seating, and the baseball field has new fencing. The Wilkins Stadium home seating has been greatly improved especially because of all the events that take place there, i.e., graduation, band competitions, football games, etc.
Improvement to the grounds is steadily getting done. The east side of Overstreet is eventually going to look like the west side of the building.
Billboards are now being put up in different sections of the county. The plan is to have one on Highways 79, 82, and I-30. These will promote SAU and hopefully help increase enrollment.
New parking is planned in front of the gym … and an indoor practice facility is also in the near future. All and all…. the future for SAU is bright, exciting and important for Magnolia, Columbia County …. the state and the nation!
Old Business
Essie Moore has been looking into the possibility of getting paid twice a month. Taxes and insurance would have to be deducted each time, there would be more room for error, and the extra time it would take the purchasing department would be too costly. Mr. Giles has been working the past three years on payroll guidelines for the university. After much discussion it was decided to table this topic at this time in order to do more investigating.
Beth Scroggins reported on the progress of the Hiring Guidelines Committee. They have met four times and have made several changes. Mary Ann Hand is typing a draft and will send it to Beth when she’s finished. Beth will then circulate it among the Staff Senate members. The Committee members are LaTricia Davis, LaVennier Broadus, Gayle Coston and Jim McCollum.
Sarah Jennings reported for the Elections Committee. Results are coming in and will be announced soon. Tommy Slaughter will be retiring June 30, so there will need to be another election to fill his vacancy. The election of new officers will occur in May.
A report was made on the SAU Clip Staff Evaluation Recommendation. Mr. Giles will be sending the updated form to the Office of Personnel Management by mid May. If approved the new evaluation will be in place by June and everyone will do their evaluation at the same time instead of on their anniversary date. The question was raised wondering if it was necessary to send the evaluation through OPM again since it had already gone once and had been approved. The committee will check into this and report at the next meeting.
New Business
David Wingfield had a question for the committee that was sent to him from a staff person. “Why is Nelson Hall the only building with no doors on the bathroom?” Many of Nelson Hall residents are complaining about this matter. No one likes it. This question will be addressed at the next meeting.
The question was also raised about why some staff can take two courses during one semester, and others can not. There needs to be consistency to this issue, but there doesn’t seem to be any at this time. This matter will also be researched.
President Honza asked if there was any further business. There was not.
David made motion for meeting to adjourn and was seconded by Beth.