Staff Senate Minutes
March 10, 2004
The Staff Senate met March 10, 2004. Those in attendance were Keli Honza, David Wingfield, Gaye Calhoun, Peggy Walters, Charles Honza, Kellye Ogle, Vera Camp, Beth Scroggins, Sarah Jennings, Cledis Stuart, and Robert Jones. Wilma Williams was our guest.
President Honza called the meeting to order.
Motion made by Peggy Walters to accept the minutes from last meeting, 2nd from Cledis Stuart
President Honza passed around sheet on CLIP Program to be looked over and considered for final presentation, then opened the floor to discussion. General consensus was that the document was good and Charles Honza made motion to accept and send as is. The motion was seconded by Peggy Walters. Motion carried.
Update on tuition waiver. President Honza said that Dr. Dykema stated the faculty would work with staff to get tuition waiver. She also said Dr. Rankin was open to an incremental waiver and would have to look at the budget to see what may be done.
Beth Scroggins will take over as chair of the Hiring Guidelines Committee, replacing Jason Goodrich.
Sarah Jennings passed around a handout regarding the staff elections. A special election will be held to elect a senator to replace Jason, instead of waiting to fill his position at the general election. By holding this special election, it will postpone the general election past the date that the constitution states it should be held on. A motion was made by Sarah to extend the deadline for general elections until April 20th. Seconded by Peggy Walters. The motion passed.
Beth Scroggins had a question about Spring Break flex time (working 10 hour days Mon-Thurs and having Friday off.) Kelli stated that the administration wants the staff to be surveyed regarding how break time should be taken. Since there is no time to do the survey and implement action for this break, the survey will be taken later and may be implemented for next year.
Payroll issues also to be put on survey (as to being paid twice a month as opposed to once a month.) A request for payroll guidelines will be submitted to Roger Giles for the senate to look over. Kelli will try to have it by our next meeting.
Also brought up was concern about staff who also teach and receive two separate checks. Is it possible to have them combined and the monies for teaching be spread out rather than getting in one lump sum?
Dr. Rankin will give a presentation to the staff senate on April 14th in the boardroom at 2:00p.m. Pictures will be taken.
Cledis made motion for meeting to adjourn and was seconded by Peggy Walters.