- Can I attend summer sessions at SAU as an incoming freshman?
New freshmen may begin classes during the summer. If you take summer classes, you must still come to orientation. Contact Ethan White by e-mail at bam@saumag.edu to make special accommodations for orientation.
- Do I have to attend orientation?
Incoming freshman are required to attend BAM. A comparable orientation program will be held for students with extraordinary circumstances. Please send requests for exceptions to bam@saumag.edu.
- How long is the BAM orientation?
BAM is designed as a one-day program. We have tried our best to make this a concise program that will cover all needed information in a one-day event. Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m. The program will begin promptly at 9:20 a.m. and conclude between 3:45 and 4:00 p.m. Please be prepared to stay until the end of the BAM program.
- How much does it cost to attend BAM?
The BAM orientation fee is $65.00 (non-refundable) per student. This fee will be added to your fall billing statement. You do not have to pay anything at the time you make your reservation. The BAM fee covers:
- The BAM orientation/registration in the summer.
- The BAM orientation packet given to students.
- BAM T-shirt.
- Lunch for students and parents.
- What can I do to prepare for the BAM Orientation?
You can review the degree plan for your intended major. Also, take a look over the fall schedule to have an idea on the courses that you might wish to take. However, remember that courses are on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, not all classes will be available to you.
- What do I need to know before orientation about scheduling my fall courses?
During BAM orientation, you will attend an academic advising presentation that will explain the advising process. Also, you will have the opportunity to create a schedule with an academic advisor. The advising experience is not just about making a course schedule. The Advising Center staff is dedicated to assisting students with questions and concerns about courses, general education and major requirements, student life and career goals. Please review the Scheduling Tips for further information on advising.
- What hotels are near campus in Magnolia?
- Hampton Inn: (870)234-1800.
- Holiday Inn Express: (870) 234-5161
- Quality Inn: (870) 234-3612
- The Loft on the Square: – (870)234-6958 and (870)901-6300
- What if I need special accommodations for orientation?
If a disability (temporary or permanent) requires for special accommodations during orientation, please notify the Academic Advising and Assistance Center (235-5175) at least one week before your assigned orientation date. Information about services available during the school year for students with disabilities will be presented at orientation.
- What if I plan to participate in athletics, band or choir?
Let your advisor know that you will be participating in athletics, band or choir. Your advisor will have an idea of the practice schedule available so that you can arrange your classes around these times.
- What if I took college level work while in high school?
You must send a final official transcript from the college/university that awarded your credit to the SAU admissions office. Your orientation advisor will have a copy of the official transcript in your file if you provided the official transcript as requested.
- What is BAM?
Orientation is a required two-part program (BAM and Mulerider Round-Up) designed for new first year SAU students. Transfer and Non-Traditional student may also participate in a BAM session designed specifically for incoming TNT students.
- When will I receive notice of my financial aid award?
Students who have completed their financial aid applications (including additional verification information that may have been requested) should expect to receive their financial aid eligibility by June 30. Students whose files are not complete in early May but complete later will receive their financial aid information as soon as possible after their file is complete.
If you have questions about your financial aid status, call the Financial Aid Office at (870) 235-4023.
If you have not yet applied for financial aid, go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to complete the application process.
- Where should I park for BAM and where do I check-in?
Parking for orientation will be provided in the parking lot across from the Donald W. Reynolds Center. Check-in is scheduled from 8:45 – 9:20 a.m. in the lobby of the Donald W. Reynolds Center. Refer to the campus map for specific location.
- Will I receive a confirmation of my reservation for Orientation?
Yes. You will receive an automatic reply after submission of your BAM registration form to indicate that your registration was successfully submitted. You will then receive an official e-mail confirmation within three to five business days of your confirming your date and registration for BAM. Please remember to check your e-mail on a regular basis for information regarding BAM. A reminder and schedule will be emailed a few days prior to your BAM attendance.
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